Author Topic: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #131) $  (Read 146498 times)


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2016, 10:06:27 PM »
From other developers, I've heard increasingly good things about GOG compared to Humble these days.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2016, 10:39:04 PM »
I just think it's pretty audacious to see insanely hard working indie devs, many of whom (including us) who update weekly on steam, for trivial financial rewards even on Steam, realize that a ton of them are behind on Humble and from that draw the conclusion that the devs are lazy, and not that there's a real problem with Humble's update workflow. Then cap it all off with a direct threat to pirate the game. I'm a congenial chap, but c'mon.  ;D

I consider myself pretty congenial too, however I`m allergic to bullshit, and unfortunately that`s what I feel is being proposed here - what with blaming the situation on "Humble workflow". I just don`t buy it. Qud has, to my knowledge, never been updated on Humble - I still get the same Dromad Edition I downloaded last summer. In September 2015 you told me in an email you`ll try to get an update up. 4 months later still nothing, I asked about it in this thread on bay12 to which you replied "Haha, don't worry, Humble's also bugging me to finish it". (does that sound like people who have workflow problems?) Month later, still nothing, here we are.

Trying to make it into a huge issue, as if getting that damn update sorted was really such a big deal, involving multiple couriers, pigeons and favourable moon phases, whereas it really must be just sending off a few emails, is what set me off. It`s simple to see that some devs just can`t be that much bothered because Steam is where its at. End of story. How come other games are regularly updated? Catacomb Kids I mentioned before is a great example - dude missed monthly update, said "sorry my fault," few days later there`s a new version.

Trying to shut a complainee down with "here`s your refund" is another classy move, straight from EA and other faceless corporations book. Sad to see that. Nevermind going on a huge "hard working passionate devs scraping a living" whine - totally uncalled for. Ain`t nobody mentioned or doubted that - all you were asked for - over the course of 5 months -  is just to sort out a really simple, banal thing. I didn`t go on a huge rant about how I spend my hard earned $s, which I risk my life to get (haha true story)  on a hobby still dismissed by majority of public as totally childish. Completely not the point and I never asked for a goddamn refund.

Few years back I started playing Qud, next to Crawl best RL (videogame?) ever and saw a Donate link there. I presumed the development dead since I never saw any activity here, but donated on a whim anyway. To my surprise, I received a a Thank You email from you guys and we had a nice exchange, discussing literature and me getting keys to private beta. That was a better time, sad it came to this here.

Like I said I`m not interested in refunds as it was never my aim. I also lost interest in the whole update angle, as I said above I`m quite happy playing the old version and so no worries, I`m done with this subject - you won`t hear from this "customer" again.  However, I don`t like your new attitude - surely same as you don`t like mine. Thats okay, we don`t have to see eye to eye, and I long ago gave up on the idea that people who create my favourite entertainment have to be on the same page as me. Gene Wolfe, for example, is a staunch catholic :P


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2016, 10:54:36 PM »
e: N/M I'm an idiot and practically I should just shut up and update the humble builds irrespective of any of that and you're totally right that I'm in the wrong for not updating the Humble builds more often. Sorry for snippy responses, I shouldn't have responded like that. Let me try again.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 11:27:03 PM by unormal »


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2016, 11:10:24 PM »
Sorry I didn't update the DRM free build, I'm updating it right now! Hope I don't break anything.  :o
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 11:21:28 PM by unormal »


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2016, 11:22:01 PM »
On a different subject.

Thanks for the talk you did on component systems.
Years ago I had read the Dungeon Siege thing but didnt really "get it".
Getting to see even those few code snippets you had really helped.



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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2016, 11:32:01 PM »
On a different subject.

Thanks for the talk you did on component systems.
Years ago I had read the Dungeon Siege thing but didnt really "get it".
Getting to see even those few code snippets you had really helped.


Thanks. Assuming I get to go back to IRDC, I was thinking of making it a "making Roguelikes 101" series where I just talk about how I did stuff in Sproggiwood and Caves of Qud (for better or worse); I was thinking of doing AI this year. Are there any topics you'd be more interested in?


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2016, 11:45:28 PM »
I suppose I'll just have to write an automated packager and e-mailer for Humble updates; that way it happens without all the additional friction, at whatever rate they can handle.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2016, 12:25:12 AM »
I was thinking of doing AI this year. Are there any topics you'd be more interested in?

I think that AI would be a good subject to cover.

I looked at the Angry Ant Behave system, but I need to get working objects set up first.
So I haven't done anything with it yet.
I have read a bit about behavior trees.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2016, 12:47:28 AM »
Oh, hey, they updated my account to self service builds. All my whining was for nothing.

e: Humble builds now updated to the latest. Since I can now self-service, I'll update them at least once a month.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 08:50:07 AM by unormal »


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2016, 02:19:16 PM »
Thanks for sorting it out, but even more so, for the PM. It`s relieving to know us humanoids can still communicate despite bust-ups - a rare thing. Also apologise for my hi-drama flare up earlier. Hopefully we can bury the vinereaper now ;) just announced their own Early Access program yesterday. Maybe worth submitting CoQ there too - definitely more of an audience and real community than other shopfronts, probably best after Steam in terms of exposure. They`re pretty picky about admissions, but I think uniqueness and quality of Qud would be a major asset. Far as I remember they only have TOME and SOTS: The Pit to represent the  traditional RLs there.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2016, 03:53:10 PM »
Hah, yeah sorry about that, I was just having a dorky day that day and so ended up responding like a dumbass. All the devs that use gog say good things about it, might pick that over Humble if I were to do it again. Like I said, it looks like Humble actually recently (in the last few months, at least) added the self service-build stuff so my main complaint with them is actually gone. Still more of a pain to update than some others, but no longer an error prone nightmare.

The main problem with it before was not actually the individual build updates, but that if you happened to get a build up with critical issues, you really had no recourse other than have it sit out there for days/weeks/etc until they decided to update it with your fix. Usually it was pretty fast, but an update always risked leaving a broken build out there for an unknown amount of time. That typically meant I was holding off until I felt like I had a "solid build", which is basically never; which helped contribute to being lazy about the lateness. Now that I can fix critical issues essentially instantly for certain, it's a lot easier to make the call to post updates to the builds. There's really no excuse not to just update them continually.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 03:55:13 PM by unormal »


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #24) $
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2016, 08:09:00 PM »
Thank you for updating! I go buy now.

akeley - thank you for the calm head / stones


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #25) $
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2016, 01:41:29 PM »
Feature Friday #25
*We tweaked the Tinker skill.
-Since the Expert Disassemble power annoyingly incentivised you to horde all your items and scrap, we removed it. Instead, we changed Disassemble to give 1 random bit plus a 50% chance for a second random bit.
-You can now learn to mod items! We added a Mod tab to the Tinker screen. Item mods exists as separate schematics. Mods cost 2 bits: 1 bit equal to the tier of the item you are modding (+1 for each existing mod on the item), and 1 bit corresponding to the rarirty of the mod. These costs aren't final; expect some more tweaks to modding in the coming weeks.
-Disassemble is now a prereq for Reverse Engineer.
-Bits are now displayed in alphanumeric form by default.
-Tinker schematics are now sorted alphabetically.
-Fixed the Repair power sometimes having a blank bit cost.
*Added a new, rare item mod: Jewel-Encrusted. This mod can't be tinkered.
*Added some rare jewels that function as currency: rough agate gemstone, rough topaz gemstone, rough jasper gemstone, and rough amethyst gemstone.
*Added a new merchant to the Stiltgrounds: jeweler.
*Fixed the Sound and Music options not being respected.
*Fixed some more grammar errors with generative sentences.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #26) $
« Reply #58 on: February 06, 2016, 02:47:09 AM »
Feature Friday #26

*We made some more tweaks to Tinkering.
-When you disassemble an item, you now always get the highest tier bit in that item's schematic. You also get a 50% chance at each remaining bit.
-You can now disassemble tinkered items.
-Item and mod descriptions are now displayed on the Tinkering screen.
We'll improve the UI for this text box in a future patch.
-All of your learned mods are now displayed below the list of items on the Tinkering > Mod screen, under 'Known Modifications'.
-Item schematic bits are now sorted from lowest to highest tier.
-Modding a stack of items no longer results in the modded item disappearing.
-We fixed an issue that caused incorrect bit costs to sometimes be displayed on the Tinkering screen.
*When you buy a new mutation, the mutation descriptions are now displayed on the Choose Mutation screen. We'll improve the UI for this text box in a future patch.
-Factions now have preferences for certain types of items. The preferences change per world seed.
-The faction reward for completing one of the branches of The Earl of Omonporch was changed to a faction heirloom. The heirloom is of the faction's preferred item type.
-New book: Heirlooms of Qud.
-We fixed the broken identation for all in-game books.
-Quditor now supports ctrl+left click to paint continuously.
-Quditor now supports ctrl+right to remove an object.
*Fixed some situations where the game would incorrectly delete the Mods folder
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #27) $
« Reply #59 on: February 13, 2016, 01:30:33 PM »
Feature Friday #27

We fixed a bunch of bugs this week and added a few new features.
*You can rename a follower now as long as they don't already have a proper name. 'L'ook at the follower and hit 'R' to rename them.
*Added appropriate body types for fish, oozes, crabs, and turrets.
*Added an option under Automation to automatically light and douse torches (defaults to off).
*Added an option under Automation to autosave every 5 zone transitions (defaults to off).
*Added an alchemist table tile.
*Changed Warden Indrix's tile.
*Fixed the marble dais tiles in the Six Day Stilt cathedral.
*Using all your Light Manipulation charges no longer toggles the light off.
*Changed several items to stack even with minor status effect differences (lead slugs, shotgun shells, missiles, arrows, and bandages).
*Fixed solar cells not recharging while socketed.
*Fixed the AI going dormant when presented with a missile weapon it needed to reload but no appropriate ammo.
*Fixed some corner cases where the Carpace DV penality would become permanent.
*Fixed Kyakukya hunters having no weapons.
*Fixed Mayor Nuntu having only 1 HP.
*Fixed some issues with Psychometry not properly identifying objects and sometimes showing modded object names in the schematics you discover.
*You no longer autoeat while asleep.
*Fixed bridges and dirt roads sometimes spawning multiple times in a cell.
*Fixed one cause of stairs spawning on top of each other.
*Fixed several map types incorrectly marking small, closed-off areas as reachable.
*Fixed several of the character creation options, including the weekly challenge, not being selectable if you didn't have a most recent character template.
*Fixed a zone build crash.
*Fixed stair placement sometimes failing even when valid placement locations were available.
*Fixed some instances of zone build failures due to stair placement.
*Fixed some instances of surface zones failing to build when stairs were requried (particularly the 8 zones around named dungeons).
*Fixed some named dungeons being unreachable through surface travel.
*Fixed canyon builders not being aware of stair locations.
*Fixed a bunch of typos and formatting issues.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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