« Reply #107 on: January 21, 2017, 04:01:27 AM »
Feature Friday #73
We revamped the Axe skill! These are the new & updated powers. Check them out in game for the stat requirements and costs.
Axe Proficiency: You get +2 to hit with axes.
Cleave: Whenever you hit an opponent with an axe, there's a 75% chance you cleave their armor, giving them a -1 penalty to their AV. This penalty can stack a number of times up to your strength modifier.
Dismember: Activated; cooldown 30. You make an attack with your axe at an adjacent opponent. If you hit and penetrate at least once, you dismember one of their limbs at random and they start bleeding (1-2 damage per turn. toughness save; difficulty 35). Additionally, your axe attacks that penetrate have a percentage chance to dismember: 3% for one-handed axes and 6% for two-handed axes.
Charging Strike: When you charge an opponent with an axe and hit, if you cleave their armor, they get an additional -1 penalty to their AV. If you have Dismember, your chance to dismember when charging with an axe is doubled.
Hook and Drag (same as before, but lower cooldown and better documented): Activated; cooldown 50. You grab an opponent's limb with the heel of your axe and pull them toward you. If successful, you pull your opponent with you as you move and make a free attack with your axe. Your opponent is forced to move with you but can attack you while moving. Your opponent gets a chance to resist the move (strength save; difficulty 20 + your strength modifier) and a chance to break free at the start of their turn (same save). This effect lasts for 9 rounds or until you dismember the opponent.
Backswing: Whenever you miss with an axe attack, there's a 25% chance you make an additional attack. You can't backswing off a missed backswing.
Decapitate: Heads are added to the list of possible limbs you can dismember. If you chop off the only head of an organic opponent, they're killed instantly. If they have multiple heads, they start bleeding profusely (2-3 damage per turn. toughness save; difficulty 35).
Berserk!: You work yourself into a blood frenzy, and for 5 rounds your chance to dismember with axe attacks is 100%. To use Berserk, Dismember must be off cooldown, and using Berserk puts Dismember on cooldown.
Made tortoises slower.
The historic relics that are mentioned in the histories and the guaranteed relics on the bottom levels of historic sites now live in clearly demarcated relic chests somewhere on the dungeon level. If you seek them out, expect to find some named cultists who don't appreciate your intentions. Note there's still a small chance to find other relics elsewhere in historic dungeons, such as on tables or wielded by creatures.
Sultan shrines, sultan pantheons, and arenas that appear in historic dungeons no longer block off portions of the map or generate partially off screen.
Tweaked how often sultan shrines, pantheons, and arenas occur in historic sites.
Hotkeys are now preserved between games. If you replay your last character, you get the same hotkeys. Different characters get an approximate hotkey mapping.
You can now two-way trade items with your party members.
Added highlights for static villages & dungeons to the ALT highlight display.
Added highlights for discovered historic sites to the ALT highlight display.
Fixed several issues with the ALT highlight display.
Force fields, statisfields, pyrokinesis fields, and cryokinesis fields are no longer visible in unexplored areas.
Robots now spark instead of bleed, and oozes now bleed slime.
Added more variety to the cognomens given to sultans when they're born.
Added more map generation variety to the historic sites.
The surface level of historic sites now incorporates the terrain of their surrounding region.
The overlay UI ability list now displays hotkeys.
Removed 'test dummy', a really tough beetle used for debugging. Will he make a return???
Removed the occasional cultists who preached loading screen quotes.
You no longer get messages when you walk over different types of floors.
Fixed an issue with save game serialization that caused various bad things to happen, including Argyve refusing to complete his knickknack quest.
Fixed another issue causing historic sites to generate on top of static dungeons.
The default action for empty injectors is no longer 'apply'.
Fixed the rendering issues with the message log history.
Fixed some rare cases where damage destroyed natural equipment like carapaces.
Fixed a few rare cases where the stairs at the lowest level of a historic dungeon lead to dead ends.
Removed a few improper objects from appearing in dynamic encounters.
Fixed some cases where baetyls refused to accept the items they demanded.
Removed a few impossible baetyl demands.
Fixed an issue causing XP to be rewarded for each level of a historic site if you discovered the site without a quest.
Fixed skill color coding to respect purchaseability.
Fixed skill descriptions appearing off the bottom of the Skills screen.
Fixed bookshelves and tables appearing empty until you interacted with them.
Fixed several issues where overlay UI buttons didn't work if their default keyboard keys were mapped to directions.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training