Author Topic: Sunshine Console, a simple C# lib for ASCII output  (Read 4892 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Sunshine Console, a simple C# lib for ASCII output
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:45:51 PM »
Hey, all. Lately I've noticed a few people coming to #rgrd wanting to make an ASCII RL in C#, and found that I didn't have anything to recommend - especially for a new dev who isn't going to want to compile a lib with strange build tools, or use C/C++ native DLLs.

So, I made this!

It's very simple in scope, perfect when you just want to get something on the screen. It does input, too, because it's made with OpenTK (and as a bonus, it draws very quickly).

Here's a direct download link, but the simplest option is probably to use NuGet if you use Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, or MonoDevelop.
