Author Topic: Crypt of the NecroDancer (now at AMPLIFIED Expansion) $  (Read 5882 times)


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Crypt of the NecroDancer (now at AMPLIFIED Expansion) $
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:01:29 PM »  $14.99 Win/Mac/Linux

Crypt of the NecroDancer is a hardcore roguelike rhythm game. Can you survive this deadly dungeon of dance, slay the NecroDancer, and recapture your still beating heart? Or will you be a slave to the rhythm for all eternity?

    Move on the beat to navigate ever changing dungeons while battling dancing skeletons, zombies, dragons, and more!
    Groove to the game's epic Danny Baranowsky soundtrack, or select songs from your own MP3 collection!
    Play with keyboard, controller, or even a USB dance pad!

Includes 2 playable remixes of the entire soundtrack! A Metal Remix by FamilyJules7X and an EDM Remix by A_Rival!

Crypt of the NecroDancer has left Early Access and has launched fully on Steam! Your game should automatically update to the latest version. (Make sure that the loading screen says v1.0 or higher, or you may not yet have the latest build.)

We have had such an amazing time working on Crypt of the NecroDancer that we thought we’d let you take a peek behind the scenes to see how it all went down! We took the game to festivals all around the world, meeting fans, making lifelong friends, and learning how to make the game the best it could be. We hope you enjoy our minidocumentary and the full game! Here’s to two and a half years that none of us will ever forget.


Here's what's in store for you in the launch build!:
- Our final zone has been added! A whole host of new enemies, traps, secrets, and minibosses await
- You can now beat the game! Unique final boss battles for the protagonists: Cadence, Melody, and Aria
- Some musical surprises we can't yet reveal...
- There are now story cinematics, featuring VO stars from League of Legends, the Dragon Ball Z TV series, and many more
- One additional insanely difficult character: Coda. (We aren't sure it's humanly possible to complete this character.)
- 10+ new achievements
- A new 'Codex' room in the lobby that helps teach the game's higher-level techniques
- And, of course, a ton of polish, balance tweaks, and bug fixes

Thank you so much for your support and feedback during early access! The NecroDancer community is truly the best!

Already huge and is definitely going to only get bigger from here by all indications.   8)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 07:47:24 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Crypt of the NecroDancer (now at v1.06) $
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 12:19:41 PM »
- Made Aria start with a potion, and made players not able to pick up a second potion if they already have one
- Add subtitle option for cutscenes
- The game is now localizable! You can make localization mods, but we’ll soon have official translations too
- Fixed some more replay desync issues
- Fixed some harpy and goblin bomber behaviors, especially while the player is phasing in a wall
- Fixed bug where coin multiplier would always be lost on Necrodancer music transition
- Made some changes that will hopefully solve problems for people who were experiencing gameplay stutters
- Added goblin sentries to zone 4 starting rooms if the player has no shovel
- fixed a couple instances where shrines were dropping unusable items for certain characters
- fixed bug where wraiths could appear right next to the player after picking up monocle/glass torch
- fixed issue where particle images would cause crash when loading a mod after having played
- fixed issue where "you'll lose progress if you restart" popup wasn't working properly in deathless mode
- fixed bug where spells were disappearing at start of Necrodancer battle
- fixed bug where bomb switches were acting strangely after having bombed Necrodancer
- fixed bug where blunderbuss could become unloaded when entering boss rooms
- disallow traps from appearing in exit rooms
- allow Dorian to reload weapons in Necrodancer fight
- added ability to change cutscene videos with mods
- Slight tweak to description of transmute scroll
- Slight wording change on reassign keys screen, as some people weren’t realizing that they could switch to assign keys for player 2
- disable high scores when a mod is active that changes the music beat data
- fixed issue with hole in the wall in Melody Necrodancer battle
- Added more score cheat detection

- Added one additional permanent heart container to the Dungeonmaster in the lobby
- Fixed issues with deathless win counter not incrementing and all characters flag staying set
- Made it so that old or broken mods will show an error message rather than crashing the game
- Added hint to the start of the Cadence/NecroDancer fight, as a lot of people get confused about how to open the door
- Made killing shopkeeper in codex not count for achievement
- Made multiplier not break when hitting walls after killing NecroDancer with Cadence
- Instead of question marks, added unlock hints for lobby NPCs the player hasn’t yet discovered
- Made Diamond Dealer a little easier to unlock by placing the glass key on 2-2
- Fixed bug where deleting your custom music folder would make custom music GUI not navigate properly on Mac + Linux.
- Added further anti-cheating measures for score runs and speedruns

- fixed issue where audio fadeout wouldn't always fully fade out
- made achievements trigger immediately again, but delay sending other stats until level load
- make sure resolution is valid before setting resolution from main menu -> could fix fullscreen crashes?
- fix issue where replays could overwrite the number of beats on the last level with 0, causing the walls to close in immediately for Melody
- made quick restart as Aria from lobby default to zone 4
- fixed bug where shield spell could prevent damage from Necrodancer2 walls
- made shrine of war work on shove monsters
- made ogre always do swing instead of trying to attack normally
- added a random option to soundtrack GUI
- fixed bug with pickaxe and zone 4 walls
- try to prevent urn from spawning 2 of the same spell
- fixed bug that could cause lobby items to spawn in certain situations, like bombing shrine of chance
- made shop doors in zone 4 unable to be placed next to secret rooms
- fixed zone 3 audio bug when killing banshee in one hit
- check visibility again when deciding if an enemy is hittable, will prevent issues like minotaur opening door and being unhittable for a beat
- fixed issues with warlocks and ooze golems in level editor
- fixed issue with quick restarting deathless mode going to normal hardcore
- made cutscenes only skip if ESC or a direction is hit
- fixed bug that turned ret bats into blue ones in level editor and training mode
- fixed bug where Aria died if trying to submit score in all chars mode
- made boss minions drop single coin for Coda
- fixed hole in the walls in Necrodancer2
- fixed replay desync caused by harpies
- fixed crash when changing default character before going to char select area
- made exiting the level editor reset you to the default character
- added '?' in place of character for unlocked characters in soundtrack GUI
- don't preload bestiary images to reduce RAM usage
- added seizure warning to main menu
- fixed issue where custom music leaderboards could still be shown for Bard
- optimized particle systems -> not sure if it'll have any effect on stutters
- fixed missed beat issue with looping songs + bolt/coda
- fixed last beat timing for bolt/coda on looping songs
- Fixed missing beat at the end of the phase2 music for Cadence’s NecroDancer fight
- Made shop walls even more noticeably different when Monstrous Shopkeeper is inside
- Updated leaderboard selection screen so it makes more sense
- Fixed graphical issue where “King Conga” text was showing up faintly behind other boss battle intro names
- Made zone4 health2 walls more visually distinct
- Golden Lute can no longer be transmuted
- Reduced the amount of stone walls in zone 4
- Fixed bug where Earthquake could damage the NecroDancer
- Fixed bug where Need scroll wasn’t giving you a shovel even if you had no shovel
- Added F7 hotkey to toggle logging on and off (it is now off by default) and the logging value is stored for future runs
- Updated codex levels to prevent a few ways of circumventing the lessons
- Fixed issue where Cadence + Bard were showing up as question marks in the Change Soundtrack menu, after wiping all data
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Crypt of the NecroDancer (now at AMPLIFIED Expansion) $
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2017, 07:48:15 PM »
AMPLIFIED Expansion $6.99  8)

Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED is a DLC prequel for Crypt of the NecroDancer. Take control of the shapeshifting protagonist Nocturna to fight your way through electrifying new levels, boss battles, and more!
Key features:

    A whole new zone full of nefarious new enemies!
    A powerful new protagonist: Nocturna!
    New weapons, armor, and other loot
    Four new playable characters in total, and four new gameplay modes!
    Pet-like "familiars" that stay by your side and help you fight!
    All new story cutscenes and boss battles!
    Over 40 new tracks have been added to the soundtrack, including vocals from Mega Ran as "FortissiMole"!
    A completely new playable OST remix created by OverClocked ReMix
    Additional DLC remixes from FamilyJules, A_Rival, Girlfriend Records, and Virt!
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training