I'm going to continue development of my 7drl 2015.
Here is a little more detailed idea. I'm open for suggestions, corrections etc (more like I really need them

First of all player will need to find sources of:
- oxygen
- food
- water
- energy
Planet is defined by:
- temperature (day and night)
- oxygen in atmosphere (with possibility of toxic atmosphere, but with oxygen)
- terrain
Terrain types:
- rocks and stone (whole range of temperatures)
- swamp (not too cold and not too hot)
- forest (taiga when too cold, jungle when hot)
- desert (hot only?)
Ideally there should be at least 2 ways to get crucial resources for each combination.
In a forest with breathable air there should be hostile and non-hostile, but annoying (too curious) animals.
To make thing more fun, following encounters could be generated nearby:
- hidden space pirates base (can be aggressive, the base might contain useful machines, food etc if conquered).
- abandoned secret laboratory/military base with still functioning defense systems (passive, if conquered, always contains useful machines).
- smugglers entrepot/base (can be neutral or aggressive, no machines, but might be food and raw materials).
- ancient ruins (passive mechanical traps, might have some raw metal may be?)
Ways to get oxygen:
- condenser (?) for low oxy atmosphere
- filter for toxic atmosphere
- hydrolysis from water (expensive?)
Ways to get (drinkable) water:
- boil + filter if there is source of water nearby
- thaw snow ice, then boil+filter
- collector of condensate early in the morning? (in desert)
- drill underground water
- collect cacti in desert, use squeezer to get cacti juice, filter it to get water?
Food (need more here):
- in forest/swamp/jungle: vegetables, fruits, animals. kill children of dangerous animals and get attacked by parents?
- rocks + stone: - mushrooms in caves? animals may be?
- desert: bugs?

- solar panels in desert
- wind generators in rocks?
- oil refining and combustion engine+generator if there is source of oil (or natural gas)
- bioreactor that generates methane (combustion engine+generator)

Probably it's better to do one thing at a time. I'll post ideas about production chains for plating and fuel rods once things above are settled.