Author Topic: [ADOM] I found royal vault, but what to do ?  (Read 7534 times)


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[ADOM] I found royal vault, but what to do ?
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:50:30 PM »
Good evening everyone.

In the fourth level of puppy cave a "You hear the sound of falling coins" then "You hear the steps of the royal guard" messages appears,  no doubt there is a royal vault in this level, good but I have several questions.

Firstly, a royal vault in the puppy cave ? Is not it too early in the game for this ?

Secondly, I have no tool or wand for digging, how to do ?

Thirdly, I have a gnomish Elementalist level 11, Royal guardian is not too dangerous for me ? What are my chances of survive in case of confrontation ?

And sorry if my English is not very correct  :-\
My apologies for my bad English, I´m French. But I intend to improve myself.


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Re: [ADOM] I found royal vault, but what to do ?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2015, 11:29:40 AM »
As far as I remember (used to be a big fan of adom many years ago), the walls of the vault are non diggable. Use a scroll of gold detection to figure out where it is (or otherwise digging around until you find hard walls), and somehow teleport yourself in and out. You can do that stepping on a trap of teleport (which you could create with a wand of traps) after eating a blessed blink dog and obtaining the ability to control teleport. Or wait, maybe the blink dog corpse just makes you teleport randomly and you had to wear the controlled teleport ring in order to do so? Not sure.
Anyway I don't remember it was particularly dangerous there, just go for it.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.