Author Topic: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"  (Read 7101 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:11:16 PM »
My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 ! See

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
New content AKA: that's awesome:
  • Temporal Warden and Paradox Mage classes completely reworked. Check them out immediately!
  • Chronomancy spells can no longer fail or backfire (anomalies still occur).
  • Spellpower for Chronomancy spells is -50% at 0 Paradox to +50% at 600 Paradox.
  • Above 600 Paradox (modified by your Willpower), major anomalies will occur. Paradox bar now reflects how close you are to that threshold.
  • A new race was revealed, a fruit of a long-standing war. Check what contemporary documents in the old halfling ruins might say.
  • Slasul is no longer a pushover. That naga got gainz! Of course Ukllmswwik matches his performance.
  • Added a bunch of new unlockable splash screens.
  • Several sweet new icons for your talents.
  • Wyrmic talents are reorganized and provide passive benefits. It's a HUGE buff!
  • Angolwen sports a new fountain.

UI changes AKA: My stuff is in all the wrong places:
  • Several graphical effects now update more frequently.
  • Several graphical effects are now sweet and awesome.
  • Automatic Talent Use will now refuse to use talents which cooldown is lower than their use time, so you don't lock yourself out.
  • Tiles will flip depending on where they last bumped. All hail the sprite flip!
  • New UI option to display a grid over the map.
  • Addon list now shows addon version.
  • "Inspect creature" now displays creature's talents by categories.
  • More artifacts are shown up on player doll. Do brag before those custom tile users!
  • Game options are directly accessible from main menu now.
  • Dragging hotkey icons shows the place they'll end up on. If the hotkey would be dropped, it's clearly visible now.
  • ASCII mode will not show symbols upon symbols, only the top is seen (does not affect ASCII with background mode)
  • Better artifact power use descriptions
  • New gameplay option to auto-validate the default target; thus requiring only one keypress to fire a talent
  • Highlighted a few special grids for escorts and slime tunnels.
  • Rare mindstars now have description hints for their sets.

New mechanics AKA: I didn't know they changed it:
  • Some talents have been assigned "fixed cooldowns". That means they're immune to cooldown reduction and some cooldown-reducing effects.
  • Talents have been assigned speed (which you can override in addons). Acceptable speeds include "combat" (unarmed), "archery", "weapon", "mainhand", "offhand", "spell", "summon", "mind", "movement", and "standard" (1 turn).
  • Player rank (elite) and insteadeath immunity is universal across all game modes now. Hard game modes weren't being made any harder by fractional stat points.
  • Forced starting zones no longer have rare+ rank enemies.
  • Levelup dialog now shows error messages as flyers above Category points, instead of modal dialogs.
  • Items modified with talents can now be placed in Items Vault, but will lose their modified properties.
  • Reload is no longer granted to anyone. You'll still have it if you had it. You still won't use it ever!
  • Unstoppable is no longer Timeless. Neither is Draconic Will. They both are "other" effects which means that they cannot be stripped or affected.
  • Exploration mode now allows full respec anywhere. And I do mean FULL respec, with no puny "3/4 points" limitation.
  • Run/Rest now spots projectiles flying your way (but not your own, so beware!)
  • Run/Rest also stops if you saw someone for the fraction of time as they escape your field of vision at the end of your turn.
  • AI now only catches a glimpse of you through stealth, making them look in your general direction, not get a lock-on. This helps a bit.
  • Detrimental traps now have flat 5% chance to not trigger if you're bad at disarming them.
  • Dream Altar in a certain caldera no longer can kill you or do anything bad to you.
  • Waking up from a bad dream makes you lose life over several turns, not instantly.
  • On that note, Sleep no longer causes you to skip turns, yet you still cannot use anything but instant talents.
  • You can no longer wield an item by replacing another item that provided necessary requirements for it.
  • Sandworm Queen will now seek you out tirelessly if you are late to her lunch.
  • Tooltip now have a significant delay on up/down scrolling. Sidebars in levelup screen, prodigy screen, and birth screen now bounce as tooltips do.
  • Arcane Destruction (Arcane Blades) now actually scales and is not effectively a 1-point talent.
  • Shade of Kor'Pul got some cover around it. Now you can retreat when you get frozen! Well, after you get frozen. If you're still alive.
  • Shield Runes are now material level 2, down from 3.
  • You are now correctly afflicted with Cursed Aura as long as you have Unnatural Body, without having to be Cursed or Doomed.
  • Several glove egos have got disarm immunity on them. Keep that grip tight!
  • Phase Door runes now additionally grant you buffs "on teleport" from your equipment (adding to its own bonuses).
  • Debuffs to your powers can now not only cancel buffs out, but bring them below your baseline stats.
  • Rest should wait for air if you're able to catch a breath. It also waits for detrimental effects' durations and item cooldowns.
  • Summons now count their turns down once per game turn, not their own turn. Bloated oozes are more short-lived now, but no one liked them anyway.
  • You can now teleport within vaults and out of vaults, just not change your current vault by teleporting.
  • Lite "damage" now reduces the unlit value of grids with darkness if it can't remove them.
  • Nerfed Aeryn, buffed Argoniel. Now Argoniel can eventually kill Aeryn if left completely alone.
  • Elandar no longer ignores irresistible sun since Argoniel no longer has it
  • The Crystal Focus can now be applied to shields (updates the special_combat fields appropriately).
  • Out of Phase/Time Shield effect reductions can no longer stack to 100% and stack inverse-multiplicatively (50% + 50% = 75%).
  • Reduced the number of mental effects the Wintertide Phial will remove.
  • Penitence cures a more reasonable (fewer) number of diseases.
  • Cursed Sentry now remembers your weapon choice (which you can alter with a separate talent), the object is automatically picked up, but it's got a power level limitation now. Also it levels up them stats and uses better ammo.
  • Shop selling now rounds the whole stack price to 1 cent, rather than rounding up each object's price individually to 10 cents. Alchemists gems, no longer as shiny.

Fixed known bugs AKA: Oh yes, I hated this so much:
  • Tirakai's Maul no longer loses Weapon Mastery or becomes lower tier when gemmed.
  • Pyromancer/Cryomancer unlocks no longer require damage to be non-lethal when counting total for an achievement.
  • Randart generation is more consistent in its themes and power sources. You can no longer get something with conflicting themes... or get an antimagic item from a merchant if you don't want to. Hopefully. I know it's not the first time we say this.
  • Gloom weakness correctly weakens the target instead of strengthening it.
  • Slave brawlers in Ring of Blood now finally got gloves.
  • Getting a Lua error on an enemy talent should no longer lock you out of existence. Some things still may, but it's rarer overall.
  • Items on teleport traps will now be picked up before teleportation occurs.
  • Steam Cloud Saves are now off by default, as we heard many complaints about levels regenerating with them on.
  • Links can now be opened in an external browser instead of internal one.
  • Sliders on Steam UI no longer look weird. In general, alternate UI sets handle better and cause no disfigurings and overlaps.
  • Friendly fire (and alchemist bombs) no longer hits neutral targets.
  • Damage done by passive/sustained talents now shows damage flyers.
  • Summons no longer try to murder each other at random when you're frozen. They also actually might prefer hitting enemies over you with that 1000-damage Flamespit. Of course, if there is no enemies, best of luck.
  • Your resting is not broken by being scared of yourself as you're frozen.
  • Your Thunderstorm no longer hits you if you're next to the victim.
  • Dreaming of your wife, you'll meet her every time, not only the first time on this game instance.
  • Apprentice Quest now fixes item selection dialog. He'd be glad if you gave him your whole inventory, but he is polite.
  • Hitting guards in Point Zero will no longer make them want to remove you. You're just a newbie, after all. There's no chance you hit them on purpose.
  • Comparing gloves works correctly now, including showing real speed if you're a brawler.
  • On that note, Inspect creature no longer shows unarmed attack speed if you're in fact armed.
  • On that note, an option in Game Options to show power% and range on weapons instead of default "power: a-b" display.
  • Being Cursed and completing a quest about your past no longer renders your character unable to die if you run Ashes DLC. Don't ask. Just don't.
  • Goedalath Rock will tell you when you pick it up, and you won't do so automatically twice.
  • Dragging alchemist gems onto a player doll now stacks them up correctly, if possible.
  • Golem gem equipping fixed.
  • Fixed lava patches in darknened zones (like a pyroclast daikara + thunderstorm)
  • Borosk's Hate now boosts Two-handed assault category instead of an outdated one.
  • Backup guardians consistently increase material level on all zones (hello never-dropping Crystal Heart). This affects Reknor, Deep Bellow, and Scintillating Caves.
  • Skeleton's Reassemble talent won't prevent dying at the endgame dialog.
  • Wintertide's winter storm graphic will expand in size to match its effect.
  • Prox's Lucky Halfling Foot benefits from Charm Mastery.
  • Resurrecting while standing on an an entity with on_move damage should no longer kill the player a second time.
  • Fixed a bug with Butcher that could cause its rampage not to activate on damage. Now benefits from Charm Mastery.
  • Mage apprentice no longer squashed by you if you happen to beam down from some obscure city.

Obscure bugs AKA: Wait what, that was broken?:
  • Mindslayer rares should get their swords in the tight grip now
  • Mindslayer talent descriptions fixed (ranges in particular).
  • Arcane Power bonuses no longer affect itself.
  • Generic talent tree on levelup dialogs is no longer clipped if a dialog is wide enough.
  • Pouch of Subconsious no longer slows you down by 3000% and no longer disarms you.
  • Crit shrug off now works on multi-type damage correctly.
  • Significant performance improvements for map drawing, dialogs, and Classic UI.
  • Unseen Force now shows up as a timed effect. Blast from the same tree can no longer hit a single target multiple times.
  • Shield of Light now does shield attacks, not unarmed. Haha.
  • Resizing the game in the birther screen no longer disables the mouse.
  • Number boxes render correctly and have all functions of text boxes.
  • HUD style change no longer makes map viewport to be off in position.
  • Rhaloren inquisitor is Rhaloren now, meaning that his lackeys will no longer try to murder him if you are allied with Rhaloren. Haha.
  • NPC list now works on Classic UI. Bet you never knew about THAT feature, eh? (No one did, because it didn't work. It still doesn't on Minimalist. :( )
  • Celia is now rank: boss and carries a Rod of Recall. THis shoudl help with getting suck in the crypts for eternities.
  • Call Shadows starts its internal cooldown only after summoning a shadow succesfully.
  • Necrotic Minions and Cursed sentries no longer drop any additional objects on death. Ashes to ashes, and dust, to dust.
  • Selecting talents by keyboard in levelup screen now shows up the tooltip for talents.
  • Ice Core (Alchemist) tooltip is now correct.
  • Fast As Lightning always required steps, not game turns to be spent, but tooltip was confusing. No longer.
  • Sun Ray description used to say it's a beam. It never was a beam. It's a ray from the sky, not from you. You're not the sun. Unless you take that prodigy, but even in that case, it's still from the sky.
  • Corrupted Heart is now an arcane artifact.
  • Fixed scrolling on message log dialog.
  • Clicking faded links in the chat log should no longer work.
  • Fixed quest text on the storyline quest about the Staff.
  • Eidolon now obliterates everyone following you, just to relieve their pain. This solves the problem of golem being forever stuck in the limbo.
  • Time Skip, Rune of the Rift, and Maelstrom no longer render stairs underneath unaccessible.
  • Weapon mastery is only shown if you know the talent.
  • Tooth of the Mouth is no longer ubiquitous. Now you might actually use another pickaxe!
  • Skate no longer increases the knockback vulnerability with points put into it. Gnarly.
  • Blighted Maul's on hit shockwave will not hit the primary target.
  • Changed Umbraphage's damage calculation to actually care about it's charge level (slight nerf).
  • Stormlash's AOE effect is correctly centered on the target, rather than the user.
  • Corpathus summons are now actually your summons and won't turn on you.
  • Wands of Clairvoyance now dispel magical darkness like their description says.
  • Pyrokinesis will no longer be cast by AI when too far away. Ditto Aura of Silence and several other AoE.
  • Talents should no longer silently fail if they invoke a dialog and it's closed.
  • Elemental Discord now correctly has sustain cost.
  • Unique handwear now has accuracy bonuses.
  • Reaving Combat, being a tree of passives, no longer grants a vim bar.
  • Second Life/Shield of Light proccing while Healing Inversion is active no longer creates an infinite feedback loop.
  • Killing a mindslayer rare will no longer unload their auras into your face.
  • ASCII mode will not show multiple characters on one tile anymore.
  • Thermal and Charged Aura used with gem/mindstar no longer eat loads of Psi.

Addon developer section AKA: UGH, now I have to update from 1.0.6:
  • Added several callbacks, including "on block", "on run", "on levelup".
  • Added hooks: "Zone:loadEvents", "GemColorAttributes", targeting.
  • You can stick callbacks on items, the syntax is: callbackOnEvent(item, wearer, args...)
  • "sustain_slots" attribute (sustain_slots="arbitrary id") to define mutually exclusive sustains.
  • Map:scheduleRedisplay for when you're afraid of calling redisplay multiple times on the same tick.
  • Dialog UI dependent top/left/bottom/right works properly.
  • "calc_width/calc_height" on UI entry for it to be assigned width/height based on its position.
  • callbacks can now be assigned priorities (callbackPriorities={callbackOnEvent=3}). Default is zero. Less means it gets called earlier.
  • "passive_callbacks" on a sustained talent makes the callback system treat it as a passive.
  • Zone:applyEgo and friends for dynamic ego changes on items! Check it out!
  • Attempting to create an entity containing an upvalue (a function closure) will result in an error, as such entities cannot be saved. you can override that with a flag on your entity.
  • Damage mod on weapons can now be modified, and weapons can have multiple masteries.
  • effectsFilter/sustainsFilter and their remove brothers in Actor.lua! they have default filters aplenty and an ability to pass custom functions and limit the numbers.
  • Entity:fromBase to emulate what "base" attribute for loadList was doing.
  • "image" attribute on entities now supports absolute paths and paths in format of "addon+path" (which is data-addon/gfx/path)
  • Actor:burnArcaneResources(damage) for your manaburn needs.
  • "sustain_lists" and "learn_lists" attribute on talents to add talent IDs to lists on actors which you can then check. For example, "break_with_stealth" and "break_with_step_up".
  • Addon version is "addon_version" {a, b, c} in init.lua.
  • no_martyr is dead. Old no_martyr is tmp.no_reflect.
  • drawColorString family now less slow. Please use Font.draw instead anyway.
  • "iterCallbacks" for iterator that returns callback, priority, kind.
  • callbackOnTakeDamage and callbackOnHeal coorectly work when multiple ones modify the value.
  • tableSample and tableSampleIterator to pick N elements out of the array.
  • "is_melee" and "is_special_melee" on talents that are melee/special melee. Also melee talents use their targets now, feel free to hijack them.
  • "self_resurrect_msg" for your evil purposes.
  • "only_element" on staves for Command Staff to lock on one element category.
  • TMX (Tiled) maps are now supported directly for static maps.

Have fun!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 05:40:51 AM »
Both ToME an the DLC are on 75% off  sale on Humble Bundle for next 11 hours or so.

Two things that I can`t figure out though:
-is the Donator Class really tied to online account, meaning I can`t use it in offline play?
-I really hate the unlock-the-classes system. Been playing on and off for nearly two years now and still miss most of them, whereas random character generation is a major factor for me - it feels really unfair to miss out on such an amount of content and variety in gameplay. Is there no way around it? Also it seems that the DLC classes races are all locked too...


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2015, 07:37:58 AM »
The donator perks are linked to your account, so you can't use them offline.

As for the unlocks, there is an addon which removes them (i.e. makes all available), but I can bet it's not updated for 1.3.0, besides it never affected DLC content.


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Re: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2015, 04:39:25 PM »
There's also an .ini of some sort that you can just do some False to True editing in notepad or some such...though I forget which and where as I've never used it myself.  As you'd expect, this also has no bearing on all the online-tied content and unlocks.

As somebody that also doesn't go for the whole online aspects part, I can only hope that eventually said content will get phased into the main, offline game proper as yet more new content happens and becomes the focus---I THINK this is the theoretic case for at least the Stone Warden upon such a time as the long-awaited Possessor gets situated as per my recollection.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.0 aka "Dust to Dust"
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 04:05:45 AM »
Found the add on, thanks for the heads up. It`s already updated to 1.3, like all the others from zizzo -solid work! 

I`m not gonna loose sleep over one class missing, but just can`t understand the purpose of it being locked online. Normal procedure would seem to be validating your donator status and getting a download or code in return and then doing as you please - some people like social element, logging in and such, whereas some are not interested. Why penalise them for it?

Selling a DLC major part (all?) of which has then to be unlocked is kind of eyebrow raising too.

Overall the 1.3 feels great - not played extensively, but I`m really happy with improved performance - it seems much better optimized when playing on my pathetic laptop. Also like the enriched talent icons - glad to see not everybody is obsessed with the "flat" trend (that`s why I like the rest of the UI too - very "unclean" and "deep" ;)