Author Topic: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015] - FINISHED  (Read 20814 times)


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The Dungeon [7DRL 2015] - FINISHED
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:17:03 PM »
(Sorry for the totally original name, it is subject to change)

Hello everyone, first time on 7DRL.

My goal is a rogue like that you can play the dungeon. The adventurer will be the main enemy and you (the dungeon) will try to stop the adventurer from achieving his goal (Not decided what is it yet :))

As a dungeon, you will be able to spawn creatures/traps (as long as the adventurer can't see) or give basic orders to your creatures. I am thinking something like a slowly refreshing action point so you won't be able to spam monsters.

Well, that is all for now. Here is a screenshot for now. It is pretty basic, it generates a random dungeon and an adventurer can explorer it randomly.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 08:56:26 AM by shultays »


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2015, 07:49:31 PM »
Very nice idea, I would be glad if you could win 7DRL and if the game would be polished! Good luck!


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2015, 07:53:39 PM »
Interesting idea! I'll keep my eye on this one.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2015, 12:10:36 AM »
Thanks for the kind words, hopefully I will be able to produce something playable in a week.

Added goblins, currently goblins and adventurer can move and attack into each other.

It is a bit hard to balance though. I tried adding different weapons with different speeds and damages , currently goblins (with daggers) rips the adventurer. I probably should use a game to research and balance this stuff.

Well it is 2AM, off to sleep.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2015, 02:47:26 AM »
I like the idea and can't wait to give it a try.

Good luck!


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2015, 11:03:08 PM »
Hello again, here is a today's update

The biggest thing is skill/buff system. Adventurer and creatures now can cast skills. In the first screenshot adventurer went berserk because there are multiple creatures around it and it is low on health. In this state he gets damage resist and a boost to its damage output while being fearless.  Also you can see in the output that there is a goblin priest which heals a regular goblin.

As mentioned, there is a fear system now. Currently adventurer tries to run away near a wall/corridor while facing multiple enemies so they won't be able to surround it. I will try to improve this even more, trying to juke creatures or run away completely and heal.

Also now there are more than regular goblins, now there are mages, warlocks, fighters and rogues. Each have some small buffs and skills additional to regular goblin. In second screenshot you can see the goblin rogue poisons its blade when adventurer shows up and successfully poisons him after the attack. Currently mages gets an attack spell (fire ball (burns target), ice bolt (slows target), lighting bolt (more varied and percentage damage), rogues get poisoned blade, warlocks gets a heal spells and fighters get much better hp and DR.

Also you can see the warlock in first ss (lighter shade g) and goblin rogue in second (darker shade g) has a spear and attacks adventurer from 2 tiles away, which was a paint to implement :D

A little less important change (which is not visible in SS) goblins wander around too! They try to stick together though, or if they have a master (like a priest etc) they try to follow him.

Grouping the monsters is a bit issue, they can easily overwhelm the adventurer. If only goblins in regular roguelikes were  that smart :D

Tomorrow I will try to improve inventory system, hopefully the creatures will be able drop loot and equipment so adventurer can fight better
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 11:04:49 PM by shultays »


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2015, 12:28:53 AM »
Awesome progress! Keep it up :)


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2015, 01:01:51 AM »
Daily update

Improved skill/buff and equipment system a lot. Equipments are randomly generated, but some equipments have increased chance to be proned to specific buffs (shoes->mv speed, gloves->atk speed etc).

For example weapon can get an elemental damage bonus, this bonus will won't be effected by armor. Poisoned weapon can poison creatures, I plan to add "chance to cast a skill" weapons too. Equipments are named after its buffs, better buff adds a prefix, worse one add postfix.

Elemental weapons at action. (just noticed gloves are incorrectly labeled as shoes, feature?)

Armor is so buffed, it goes beyond the window!

Tomorrow I plan to add consumables and looting to game and upload a binary/source code. After those I plan to improve game play, suggestions are highly appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 01:05:38 AM by shultays »


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2015, 01:16:40 AM »
Another update!

Today was mostly about consumables and being able to loot items.

Consumables are like skills, but usable only once for each item. I implemented enchanting scrolls, health/mana pots charm and summon creature scrolls and a couple spell tomes. Adventurer tries to use them when certain conditions are met, like for example if hp is critical it tries to drink a hp pot. Creatures can't use them, for balance purposes.

Enchanting improves base values of a weapon/armor and possibly improves its buffs or add new buffs. It can fail when same item enchanted multiple times.

Butterflies! Quite useful actually, they have high evasion and adventurer can hack goblins while they are trying to attack them. 

A charmed creature, it is peaceful and follows the adventurer until charm goes off.

And finally looting mechanism.

Between two pictures, adventurer kills the goblin, goblin drops its weapon/armor (with a chance) and adventures paths there and loots them because it believes they are better. I tried to give a 'goodness' value to items which are calculating using its buffs.  You can see the goodness of an item in parentheses on the left of item.  For example adventurer replaces (39) Club of Fire with (49) Freezing Spear of Lighting because it has better magical damage and more range and a little faster. Same goes for its armor.

Tomorrow I will try to improve gameplay, currently this is a roguelike that plays itself :) adventurer explores the dungeon, when it is fully explored it goes to stairs and goes next level. Sometimes goblins can kill him and it restarts the game


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 01:24:25 AM »
Couldn't work on the game last day, today I added more gameplay elements.

I added an action point system, you can use AP to do actions (duh), there are 3 actions for now. You can create a single creature, a group of creatures or take control of a single creature.

Most interesting one is taking control, in this case you are basically playing a regular rogue like :) In screenshots, I took control of adventurer (which won't be possible in final game).

Action menu, you use numpad to take an action, arrow keys to move cursor around map (For example you move cursor on a goblin and press 3 to take control). I am thinking of adding 'divine intervention', you drop fireballs on maze, heal creatures or buff them maybe. Non-divine interventions such as creating creatures will not be possible in sight of other creatures/adventurer.

This is the control menu. It uses numpad to move, 0 to select a skill or item.

And skill/item menu. Skills cost mana while items don't but items are limited of course. IN this SS, I first used skill berserk then used Book of Clouds (which shoots lighting) on goblin rogue. Each spell has its own cool down and each creature has global cool down. I have to wait ~500 tick before reusing berserk again. And I just an item which put ~10tick cd on all items.

That is all for now, tomorrow will be probably my last day, hopefully I will be able to complete the game.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2015, 01:49:09 AM »
Well, today is the day. You can get the windows binary here. Please let me now if it does not work.

You might need VC2013 libraries

or compile it fetch and compile it from github here.

You will need ndcurses for compiling.


Today, I tried to polish the game and balance things out. I couldn't finish the half features I wanted, but it will do I guess.

You can type "cheat" ingame to enable cheats, which will let you to create items, god mode for adventurer and some other things.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2015, 05:15:33 AM »
Game crashes when I try to "take control of a unit" (Win 8.1)

Apart from that it works fine, congratulations on finishing! Neat concept, it`s always nice to see things mixed up a bit ( you might also want to have a look at your game`s older brother, KeeperRL)

Hopefully you will keep working on it in the future - finish the planned features etc. Could maybe do with little rebalancing - at the moment AP points run out fast, regenerate slowly and there`s not much to do after you spend them. Also it`s unclear where it`s possible to spawn new units, seems tad random at the moment.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015]
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2015, 08:54:37 AM »
Oh, wow sorry about that. It was a last second code change, should have tested it.

Fixed the crash, increased AP rate.

Each unit have a sight value (you can see it when you focus on them with cursor), You can's spawn units in this radius. This includes adventurer and creatures.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015] - FINISHED
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2015, 11:37:52 PM »
Very good idea, but I think that AP rate could be more increased. When I spawn two groups od monsters, I cannot do anything interesting long time and I can only look how enemy character kill my minions.


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Re: The Dungeon [7DRL 2015] - FINISHED
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2015, 11:04:39 PM »
Fun game. Seems to be impossible to lose though. :P I beat it once and then, to see what happened if the hero won, I just let it run by itself (tapping occasionally to start time on a new floor). Eventually the hero died without my intervention. :P