In view of all the votes that have been put here, I've decided to give Stone Soup a try. I obviously still suck at it, I've only played around a dozen games. Trying a magic-user, I've found I die really, really often because first-level spells really don't do much damage at all. The only way I got a little further was by using a Mountain Dwarf Earth Elementalist to get initial spells, and then just bash at the enemies. However, whenever I put some heavier armour, all the spells fizzle (kinda like nethack).
I also found I quite like the experience system though. It's really interesting. However, it suffers from the thing that annoys me the most: quadratic experience requirement curve - like in a lot of games really. This way, in later stages, the feel of your character becoming more powerful is greatly reduced, as you have to play a whole lot to get another single level in a single skill.
Also, the god system is actually quite nice, though a little more active participation by some would be really interesting. I think POWDER has a bit of this.
Anyway, apart from that, those evil Ogres usually get me. And I've never gotten past the Orc Warrior.
Speaking of which, more experienced players should start a topic referring to their game-of-choice, and give us newbies tips&tricks. I'm the kind of guy that plays a lot. Of the first few levels. I never really get anywhere. That's true for nethack, ADOM, and Crawl so far. I might just be missing on a few things, I dunno.
What really works for me as a fighter in ADOM, for example, is shield+spear combo. The DV rockets sky-high if you get proficient at them. That's one tip. But it should be on a separate topic.

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Oh, how could I forget! Ctrl-O, I don't have to bother exploring the dungeon, I can focus on the fighting! Excellent! Really, really nice feature, and shouldn't be all that hard to implement either. Especially because those are really horrible dungeons, I don't like their shape. Helps a lot!