Author Topic: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)  (Read 163268 times)


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.1 ARRP release!)
« Reply #180 on: September 19, 2016, 09:39:31 PM »
Stable 11.2 Released!

I was able to beat the game (for the first time) with this release, so it should be pretty good now  :).

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Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed the single missing rubonite ore
* Fixed a crash with the Ranger trap
* Fixed a crash with Apocalypse
* Fixed a crash when inserting an Amethyst into a ranged weapon
- Fixed linguist shop UI
- Moved Port Victory's stash's room

* Gold Pieces no longer use an inventory slot

* Spells take into account 50% of Damage Reduction compared to previous ignore, typically monsters have low DR, so this aids mostly the player

* Hit points are no longer randomized, they are now roughly the average of the previous minimum and maximum hit points
* Adjusted some Damage Reductions
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 09:59:37 PM by Aukustus »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.3 release!)
« Reply #181 on: September 29, 2016, 07:45:40 PM »
Stable 11.3 Released!
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* More intuitive Attribute system
* Better monster target selection
* New Unique Items

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed crash with spiders
* Fixed a bug with ranged monsters preferring to shoot at the player even behind walls if they saw an ally but not the player
* Higher level enemy casters can target allies too
- Fixed Ranged and Firearm skill increase messages
- No more damages with decimals
- Encumbrance no longer has ridiculous amounts of digits

* Attribute points are given only every three levels, but each of them gives a +1 bonus instead of previously it being +1 bonus for every 3 points
* Attribute point limit lowered from 15 to 6

* Adjusted every item's Attribute requirements
* Unique unidentified equipment are identified upon Hardcore death
* Used lanterns become refillable, so only one will be required, this will save precious inventory space
* New Item: Lantern Oil; fills Lanterns and are stackable
* Removed Torches
* 4 New Unique Items at shops and monster drop tables

* Starting alignment is the deity's alignment, if there's one

* Fire Ants and Bees become slightly easier and no longer spread diseases


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.3 release!)
« Reply #182 on: October 04, 2016, 04:05:02 PM »
Stable 11.4 Released!

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* Improved Skill system

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Removed again the messages from standing on a door
* Fixed at least three crashes
* Fixed multiple situations where attack rolls were compared "greater" than armor class instead of "greater or equal"
- Corrected the tooltips

* Constitution now affects Resistance too with 1 Constitution being 5 Resistance
* Dexterity is now capable of avoiding traps   
* Character screen shows now Passive Talents with effects
* Skills have been compressed to 0-5 from 1-9 with levels 1,3 & 5 giving a bonus to damage and 2 & 4 giving a bonus to accuracy
* Progress of how much of the character generation is complete is shown at the bottom of the character generation

* Alchemical ingredients (herbs, distilled waters) now go into their own menu and no longer use inventory slots

* Thorns becomes 1d3 instead of 1

- Rogue's Stealth minimum duration is 50 turns instead of 30
- Rogue's Light Step reveals traps instead of ignoring
- Cleric's Aura of Holiness damages 1d3 instead of 1
- Warlock's Corruption damages 1d3 instead of 1   
- Paladin's Aura of Regeneration renamed to Aura of Life
- Mage's Spell Penetration renamed to Focused Mind
- Druid's One with Nature renamed to Nature Bond
- Shaman's Guided by the Spirits renamed to Spirit Guide


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.4)
« Reply #183 on: October 05, 2016, 09:40:57 AM »
oh surprise... ;D


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.4)
« Reply #184 on: October 16, 2016, 08:33:27 PM »
Stable 12.0 Released!

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* Turns are not spent in many situations, for example when just browsing an inventory, cancelling actions or not having requirements met with spells
* Spellbooks have complete descriptions of the spells
* Balancings
* Console feature; powerful debugger

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Traps cannot be generated at tiles containing area transitions or doors any more
* Fixed diseases being cured when changing the level
* Mimics are no longer revealed by the cursor
* Fixed players being frozen from allies getting Frost Bolted
* Monsters capable of resurrecting will no longer resurrect player's allies
* Fixed Bard songs affecting the player
* Fixed the Arcane Book of Confusion's Intelligence requirement
* Shapeshifted Druids can no longer block, cast spells or shoot missiles (see below at Talents)
* It is no longer possible to rest inside Mount Devil's Mouth, it could cause deaths
* Fixed every monster's strength amount, they were too high since I changed the system from 0-15 to 0-6
* Phase Door can no longer teleport the player into areas without walkable exit such as locked houses
- Fixed Jinxia's Talent's gold remove
- Arrows/Bolts can no longer be fired into a wall so that a recoverable missile will spawn
- Fixed Time Stop's graphics
- Druid and Shaman start with their quarterstaffs equipped
- Blood Magic's description was fairly unclear
- Removed debug message when Curse ends

* Just browsing the inventory no longer spends a turn
* Cancelling targeting no longer spends a turn
* Resistance is gained every 6 levels instead of every 3 levels
* If there's an enemy/companion in a cursor targeted tile that has other objects, its name is always drawn instead of the underlying things
* Added Console feature that can manipulate objects, fix bugs etc. It's use is undocumented since it can also break stuff
* Changing tiles with a party member no longer cancels automove

* Strength bonus now depends on the weapon, it's 1.5x when wielding a two-handed weapon and 0.5x when dual-wielding
* Intelligence allows the learning of new languages

* Shields have Armor Penalty now, Small Shields have none, Kite Shields have 5, and Tower Shields have 10
* Increased the prices of the goods at the captain's shop
* Missiles are more expensive

* Increased slightly the Armor Class of monsters in the Ancient Ruins and in Hell

* Increased the amount of actions needed to increase Skills a little, previously reaching the maximum Skill level was fairly quick

* Adjusted all mana costs (mostly increased)
* All Area of Effect spells can be targeted at the player's location
* A turn is not spent if all necessary requirements are not met to cast the Spell
* Immolation is renamed to Decay, and undead will be immune to it

* All Area of Effect talents can be targeted at the player's location
* A turn is not spent if all necessary requirements are not met to use the Talent
* Shapeshift's damage is increased at levels 9 and 18, instead of 6 and 12
* Light Step renamed to Careful Step
* Backstab Mastery gives +10 THB instead of +5
* Unarmed Parry gives +10 BC instead of +5
* Magical Armor, Armor of Faith, and Shadow Armor give +10 AC instead of +5
* Holy Shield gives +10 BC instead of +5
* Shapeshift can be cancelled by casting it again to allow again spellcasting / missile shooting

* Deity Talents can be resisted
* Hammer of Justice has slightly lower duration


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #185 on: October 25, 2016, 11:26:29 PM »
I think that decision about spending turns is right. I know why you wanted to spending turn on almost every action. It was interesting concept, but it had some flaws - like lack of warning messages in specific situations. I remember when I was fighting with frozen mage (or something similar, just magician with freeze spell) and I had small HP. So, I was trying to open inventory, and it fails every time - I didn't notice that I'm freezed and using *i* key was spending turn. Just thought that something broke and try to run inventory again and again... Then, I died. I was fricking free frag :D
Not the big complain (especially if you changed this), just small story which your post reminds me :)


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #186 on: October 26, 2016, 05:31:06 AM »
I think that decision about spending turns is right. I know why you wanted to spending turn on almost every action. It was interesting concept, but it had some flaws - like lack of warning messages in specific situations. I remember when I was fighting with frozen mage (or something similar, just magician with freeze spell) and I had small HP. So, I was trying to open inventory, and it fails every time - I didn't notice that I'm freezed and using *i* key was spending turn. Just thought that something broke and try to run inventory again and again... Then, I died. I was fricking free frag :D
Not the big complain (especially if you changed this), just small story which your post reminds me :)

That actually still spends a turn, since you're frozen you cannot do anything so every action will spend turns until the effect fades. But there isn't a message about this when acting fails because of some status effect. There's just a general "You are frozen" or something like that but not a message when something fails. I'll add that


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #187 on: December 17, 2016, 01:31:48 PM »
Why does Windows 10 smartscreen stop running this game?


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #188 on: December 17, 2016, 07:29:12 PM »
Why does Windows 10 smartscreen stop running this game?

Because it isn't smart enough.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #189 on: December 18, 2016, 02:15:48 PM »
Because it isn't smart enough.

So the ToT .exe doesn't have any viruses? I'm hesitating to run it. The reason I wanted to try was that ToT is I think the only existing roguelike written in python. URR is also, but it's not yet a game I think? Anyway I had thought that it was impossible to write a roguelike in python, but I guess everything is possible.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #190 on: December 18, 2016, 02:50:50 PM »
TToT is safe. I'm playing since alpha builds and I never get AV notification. Also, virustotal analysis. Seems Aukustus is right about SmartScreen smartness ;)

Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #191 on: December 18, 2016, 09:43:26 PM »
Because it isn't smart enough.

So the ToT .exe doesn't have any viruses? I'm hesitating to run it. The reason I wanted to try was that ToT is I think the only existing roguelike written in python. URR is also, but it's not yet a game I think? Anyway I had thought that it was impossible to write a roguelike in python, but I guess everything is possible.

It's definitely safe. It isn't only roguelike in Python, but I guess it's the most successful so far. How much of a game URR will be is to be seen.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #192 on: December 19, 2016, 10:51:31 AM »
Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?

For no reason. I played ToT, went to some kind of forest and in ruins met a pixie which required me to use both of my healing potions, but I still died after that fighting a.. bee, I think it was a bee or ant? I didn't like menus, because select is Return key. It should be Space obviously, or both of them as select. The game feels 90's old school in a good and bad way, mainly bad as tacky UI. The game is also a bit slow in my 5 year old low cost dual core PC, but it was expected from python which is super slow language. I'm probably going to play it more, it wasn't that bad.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #193 on: December 19, 2016, 01:13:45 PM »
Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?

For no reason. I played ToT, went to some kind of forest and in ruins met a pixie which required me to use both of my healing potions, but I still died after that fighting a.. bee, I think it was a bee or ant? I didn't like menus, because select is Return key. It should be Space obviously, or both of them as select. The game feels 90's old school in a good and bad way, mainly bad as tacky UI. The game is also a bit slow in my 5 year old low cost dual core PC, but it was expected from python which is super slow language. I'm probably going to play it more, it wasn't that bad.

I can definitely enable space as a select key too. The 90's old school feel is definitely intended. I'm aware of some performance issues in lower-end computers, though how much of the slowness is from my code or Python, I've got no idea.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
« Reply #194 on: December 25, 2016, 09:33:00 PM »
Just created a subreddit for this:

Still pretty dead but hopefully it'll launch some discussions regarding the game!