Author Topic: 4x roguelike  (Read 10508 times)


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4x roguelike
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:45:26 AM »
Hey im in the early development of my game called Warlock and I've wondered why there werent much 4x roguelikes made right now.
Basically here to gauge the interest in such a game, do people not want to make/play 4x indie games?

To explain why i call it a 4x roguelike, its essentially roguelike because if your main guy dies then its game over, and procedural generation/rng all over the place with ascii graphics.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 12:03:38 PM by Soulmask »


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Re: 4x roguelike
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 01:54:58 PM »
Sounds interesting, I'd give it a try.

I think the reason you don't hear about 4x RLs is that they are even more difficult to code than normal RLs - you not only need to code all that randomness and procgen, but also a completely different ruleset and opponent AI.


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Re: 4x roguelike
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 10:34:19 PM »
I'd be very much interested in something along those lines.


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Re: 4x roguelike
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2015, 05:59:50 PM »
Ok so I tried to find forum rules to not infringe any for about 10 mins but I couldn't find any so I'm just going to go on and just hope nothing bad happens.

I'm currently actively developing Dark Lord, and it's my first attempt at making a game. I'd call it an indie game with rogue-like inspiration(similar to dwarf fortress, which isnt a dungeon crawler(but adventure mode could be called rogue-like)). If I was to be creative, I'd call it a strategy roguelike, and it's called "Dark Lord". Since this is the game design subforum I'll talk a little bit about the design of the features in the game, since it's not a bread and butter roguelike but rather has quite different game modes.

First a little introduction, so I have to admit a lot of the inspiration in making the game was playing with dwarf fortress. DF is a landmark roguelike(even if its not a "traditionnal" roguelike) because it was deep(both in game content and literally digging deep :P), unique in being a fantasy "sim city" and it was made by only 1 guy. I'll start with the similarities. You start on what I call the "base map", this is the map you will build your base on, and it's "similar" somewhat in design with the gameplay of DF where you never leave the map(in DF you never leave the map that is, in my game you'll definitely can). Instead of a dwarf caravan, you start with your single lone Dark Lord. So except the base building(vs fortress digging) and the fact you spawn in a randomly generated map, and the fantasy settings of course, the broad similarities end here. First of all, you won't be digging rooms and there won't be different "Z levels"(I might implement elevation, but this will be implemented as a stat of a tile and not in different z layers). There will be a way to make mines, but you won't have a direct imput on their layout(this is a strategy game after all, while DF is more of a sandbox with a theme)(and also mine layout generation is not a priority at this moment :) ). So the main basic gameplay will be making your base and recruiting minions in various ways(I won't elaborate, I want to keep the mystery :D). Let's go into the more crunchy stuff... There will be a world map where you will send your minions on missions, such as trade with other civs, diplomacy, scouting regions to find hidden things, patrolling nearby regions to know if enemy forces are coming to your base and of course INVASIONS! Also, DF had a prob whenever you had too much Dwarves(mostly because of pathfinding), so the way to control this if it ever arise in my game, is that you will be able to send your minions to make camps on the map. You'll send a camp leader and some minions, and there will probably be different kind of camps(goblin camps being one). After all, Sauron's main base was barad dur and there most of it's minions weren't directly near it, they were spread all over Mordor, in many different settlements. Next, the combat. The combat will be turn-based, final fantasy tactics style(!!! I know right?) you will put minions in units, which depending on the size stat of the minion you'll be able to put multiple units in a tile or else they occupy more tiles. The magic system will have many different schools of magic, based on elements. Also, the way npcs will interact with you will be through text-based events, and thats also how diplomacy will work. I find diplomacy bouts in reality often revolves around a single issue or a few issues, and that is handled well in text. Often strategy games shoots a diplomacy screen with many different options, and most often than not that system doesnt work since either the AIs are pushovers or they're psychopaths. Last of all, as a bonus side-game, there will be dungeon-crawling. You'll send a party of minions(you can go too) with different roles, right now I have the spearhead role(the guy who goes first and open doors), the scavenger role(the guy who search for hidden loot and secrets), and the logistic guy(the guy who determines which loot is carried by which minion, since you probably wont want a goblin carrying a very high value item, also his perception stat will be of importance if one of your guys does try to steal something). It will have different floors with combat, traps and special events, also bigger dungeons might divide into branches.

I was a little worried about revealing a lot about the game in the development stage, but really if somebody beats me to make such a huge game and it ends up being good, then my hat is off to him. I think I have a good shot at finishing the game because I'm a very result and game design oriented programmer, and I have an easy time coming up with programming solutions. If I continue seriously to develop the game, the first alpha which will have the basic features and be able to win an actual game(the goal is world conquest) and will probably be around in december 2015. In order to finish a satisfyingly deep version of the game it will probably take me at least 2 years. You know the guy who did dwarf fortress did it alone, and in my opinion he wasted a lot of time making complicated stuff work, like temperature and fluid movement, and imo the fluid movement isnt perfect. Also, the game world generation is massive, but in the actual game in fortress mode, which is the better game, the game world is hardly even used. I'm a much more pragmatic guy. World gen will be directly focused with gameplay in mind, it will be compact, but still fun and be able to make complex or interesting maps. The creatures and minions will be a mix of the most defining LOTR and DND ones, and a lot of the common western mythology monsters will be there, with my touch of creativity of course :D . Also, while the development process has been slow at first, I'm picking up pace, and I really think I can make it(like I said this is my first game).

I'm sorry this turned into an announcement post... I made a youtube channel to market the game, right now it only has one video and although theres an image of Dark Lord on there you have a lot more info in this post. Nevertheless, I'd be grateful if you watched the video and maybe even Like and comment if you are excited about my game, I'd be ever grateful. Watching the video, I realise how much I can sound like a bum sometimes lol, but be assured, I'm 100% serious about Dark Lord.

So the video is not about dark lord itself but i do talk about the inspirations about it and a lot of the tips come directly from my development style, it's called 6 tips for indie game developers:
I hope I'm allowed to post a self-promotional video link...

Anyway this is definitely a big step for me, it's almost an official announcement and it's the start of my marketing(no shame). I hope I got you as excited as I am about this. Take care!

Edit: ok since this is an announcement I'll also post this in the game forum. But I thought this had it's place in game design since there's a lot of game design stuff that hasnt been done before. If you want to talk about game design though, definitely answer here!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 06:20:17 PM by Soulmask »