CaptainKraft, good luck with you other projects, but don't resist the Call of Haskell for too long.
tuturto, thank you very much for checking out the i386 binaries.
They probably have had couple grogs before boarding the city vessel anyway
Which reminds me, that I should look into adding grog tankards into the game somehow.
What an oversight!

That can easily lead to mutiny and we don't yet have code for that (well, unless leader change is the code).
Maybe boost calmness and damage in melee, but decrease accuracy for a while.
Sounds resasonable, but unfortunately we don't yet have timed effects. This will be the main focus of post-v0.5 work,
probably involving FRP (functional reactive programming), because I want to (over)do this properly.
The best you can do for now is probably RefillCalm, Impress, a small PushActor, perhaps Paralyze/DropBestWeapon in you are nasty.
BTW, I've implemented and pushed the waking-up of aliens in Allure of the Stars. Thanks for the idea!
I've had a closer look at skills and I see that my advice to remove AbTrigger from fskillsOther of your playerTechCult was wrong.
The faction has a leader and fskillsOther only affects non-leaders, so it doesn't solve the problem. So, instead, you need to add
AddSkills $ EM.singleton AbTrigger (-1)
To each member of this faction (in ItemKindActor). This will affect the leader as well.