Author Topic: Dungeon Bash alpha test released to IOS and Android - free to download and play.  (Read 14939 times)


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Hi, I have this squad-based tactical roguelike available for download.

Can you imagine leading an acid blob, an elf and a minotaur into combat?  Or perhaps a pit-viper, a zombie and a slime demon? 
Dungeon Bash puts the player in control of a team of three adventurers, randomly selected from a list of over thirty radically different creatures, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Please go to    to join the IOS or Android alpha test.

My squad-based tactical roguelike for mobiles:


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Iv'e been working on this for a while now - Ive updated Leader mode to work seamlessly when party members are in each others way - they will scramble to move and let the leader get to where you want it to be. 

Ive also implemented a Solo mode so that one character can scout without other party members tagging along or having to 'pass' their turns.

The next step is to introduce a stealth stat so that characters (and monsters) can sneak up to / past opponents and backstab (by sticking to the shadows)

Additional testers very welcome!
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Hi Im continuing to polish and debug my game.  Im about ready to do a major revamp of the creatures and abilities, as I have a good stable code base from which to make that push now.

I have about 120 Android testers, but only 30 or so IOS testers.  Doesnt anyone own IOS devices out there???!??!

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30 testers is more than enough to detect all significant bugs. Having too many testers you will receive a lot of duplicated bug reports and just processing the reports will consume your time.
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My university teaches about testing that more than 5 testers per thing is unnecessary.


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My university teaches about testing that more than 5 testers per thing is unnecessary.

Go to a big software house and say that, I dare you :)


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My university teaches about testing that more than 5 testers per thing is unnecessary.

Go to a big software house and say that, I dare you :)

Yeah, 5 seems to be quite small number but according to teachers more would just duplicate same problems. I'd do with more testers, as many as possible.


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Teachers are right. I do work in a big software house :).
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Trouble is, only 1:20 people who sign up to be a tester actually interact in any way, so I need 100 people to sign up just to get feedback from your 5.
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Still working away.  Have implemented:

Rough terrain - slows down non-flying creatures entering it (looks like rocks, bones or mud)
Holes - prevents non-flying creatures from entering it
Charge ability - some creatures can move and attack on the same turn, such as minotaurs, vampires bats, wolves and warrior monks.

In the middle of implementing:
Knockback - pushes victim back one square, possibly into walls or other creatures for bonus damage, or into holes for instant death. 

Ill do a new test release when knockback is finished.

Then move onto stealth abilities.

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P.S:  'Testing' also encompasses feedback on the ongoing design.  Already Ive implemented a couple of good ideas suggested by testers, so the more the merrier as far as Im concerned.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 09:17:55 AM by stefoid »
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New release of Dungeon Bash available, with much functionality added:

* some creatures can now fly
* added rough terrain (bones, mud and rocks) that slow down non-flying creatures entering that tile
* added holes - impassable to non-flying creatures. Lethal to get knocked or fall stunned into.
* added charge effect that allows some creatures to move and attack on the same turn (in a straight line)
* added knock back effect that pushes back a creatures 1 tile when hit.  If a non-flying creature is pushed into a hole, they die!
* creatures knocked back into a wall take damage.  If knocked into a creature, they both take damage.
* effects of equipping items on character stats is shown on screen without having to look at the effects tab.
* new items based on flight, knock back, charging and resisting knockback abilities.
* have adjusted all creatures stats to reflect new abilities and revamped their abilities for more diversity.
* have added some  new creatures and removed some that were too similar to each other.
* made character illumination fade smoothly while moving.
* modified guaranteed starting creatures, including guaranteed swarm of crazed minions on level 5.
* fixed numerous bugs (thanks testers!)[/li][/list]

If you already played a previous version, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the improvement.  Let me know!
Join the testing at

In the next release, I will add:

1) stealth
2) DASH ability
3) cover
4) additional UI functionality to improve game->player info transfer.
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- ‘pass turn’ button is now ‘DEFEND’.  Character skips a turn and takes a slow penalty, but temporarily gets a significant defence boost.
- added COVER.  (when in rocks and bones).  creatures get significant missile defence and burst damage protection bonuses while in cover.
- creatures are designated, SMALL, MEDIUM or HUGEHUGE creatures dont get bonuses for cover.  SMALL creatures get extra bonus!
- gave some (mostly smaller) creatures a DASH ability: imp, web shooter, giant sewer rat, wolf, phoenix, vampire bat, bat, spawn, crazed minion, hell hound , vampire
- you can DASH into and out of terrain, but you can’t DASH through terrain (unless you can fly)
- modified the way experience is awarded.  Now a team-based score rather than an individual stat.  Creatures non-humanoid characters (particularly without hands) increase stats quicker due to experience.
- added extra rock terrain and added boulders to break up large spaces.

There is a new release of Dungeon Bash available.  This release concentrated on giving the team more options to interact with the environment by making TERRAIN not only slow down non-flyers, but offer some benefit in the form of a missile defence bonus and extra protection from burst damage.

I also concentrated on giving smaller creatures more options and survivability by giving some of them a Dash ability, which is a cooldown ability that allows them to move twice in a straight  line.  Smaller creatures also get more missile defence and burst damage protection whilst in cover than larger creatures do (and huge creatures dont get any).

The next release will concentrate entirely on stealth - i.e. party characters will be able to sneak around unmolested until they are spotted.
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Just a quick word to say I have done a few releases since my last update.

The game now has stealth play, powerups, and a tutorial mode!

Go to  to download it.

- added Power Up screen between levels where XP can be spent on upgrading stats and buying extra abilities.
- Added new abilities for characters to purchase with XP
- modified map generation to create more tactically interesting levels.
- changed help menu to have tips that aren’t covered by the tutorial.

- Tutorial mode finished.
- Fixed save/resume game bug introduced in (A15-I13)
- Changed help menu to have tips that aren’t covered by the tutorial.
- Made earlier levels bigger.
- Make all levels have varying sized rooms and bigger maximum room size.
- Exit will always appear in a room, never in a corridor.
- Improved side-swiping tabs.

- Random party choosing screen
- Tutorial mode! (half finished).
- Pressing pass while in leader mode passes leadership to the next character.
- going down stairs while in leader mode passes leadership to the next character
- pressing solo no longer auto-activates leader mode.
- fixed save game bug when some characters have gone downstairs

- light levels in the dungeon now reflect detectability of that tile for stealth purposes - the light level is an indication of:
   a)  torches - actual light that makes it easier to be detected.
   b)  monster detection skill - shows how well each monster can detect enemies in its vicinity.
   c)  monster attention.- characters attract monster attention, indicated by lighter tiles around noticed characters, and those closest to monsters attract more attention.
- rocks provide good stealth bonus for medium creatures and great stealth bonus for small creatures.
- hidden characters get an ambush bonus in the form of 3x attack skill for one melee attack.
- characters automatically hide when they descend to the next level, although they may be discovered instantly.  Their first action still gets an ambush bonus, however.
- the ‘stealth’ button will be deactivated if the character is unable to hide.  Hiding takes one turn and gives a slow bonus.
- any action other than normal movement reveals a hidden character - the character must ‘unhide’ to charge, but the charge still gets the ambush bonus.
- melee damage is a little more dependent on skill and less dependent on hit-points.
- creatures without hands can only carry one amulet.
- inventory tab shows capacity when selected.
My squad-based tactical roguelike for mobiles: