Author Topic: Major moral controversial features in a game.  (Read 67223 times)


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2014, 08:13:05 AM »
(procedurally generated rape scenes? now that's something you'd never expect to see).

Quote from: rot13
Overall, I get where your idea comes from and have nothing against it, after all it's just a game.
Thanks. That was really nice to read.
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2014, 08:18:26 AM »
The player's actions are justified because he has a goal. Which often is to save the world... from enemies. So it's a lot like war and as we know in war killing is ok.
Those actions are called war crimes, remember Vietnam's incident with the American soldiers? You can't simply kill / harm innocent people with the excuse of being at war. Instead of Skyrim take Fallout as example, I guess Fallout makes way more sense for what I was trying say previously.
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2014, 08:21:53 AM »
If the actions were part of the plot, then they maybe would not be so gratuitous? But on the other hand, player would be confronted with these things regardless if he wanted or not.
That's the main problem with it, I don't want to force those actions on people, I wouldn't like that myself. I want players to be the ones who tell what happens next.
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2014, 08:30:26 AM »
Quote from: Omnivore
I submit a single case where a person engaged in role playing antisocial characteristics and when subsequently exposed to severe stress, acted out those same characteristics in real life.
You didn't submit any case, you just mentioned how would you feel about someone spending his free time playing a game based in vile actions; my response was connected to this. Seriously.
I submitted the case right there in that statement.


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2014, 08:33:47 AM »
This is pretty lame. I'm not a big fan of the thread in general, as it's pretty obvious why people would be uncomfortable with a game that features child molestation and animal torture, but you just know asking a question like "why shouldn't I include the possibility of being a rapist in my role playing game?" is going to lead to someone posting "hookup culture = rape culture" talking points from their Android device. And there it is.
Funny, I find out to be lame seeing people being against vile options that no one is forced to use and that are not even part of the game's core.

To each one his own, I guess.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 08:40:29 AM by Endorya »
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #35 on: June 27, 2014, 08:39:14 AM »
Quote from: Omnivore
I submit a single case where a person engaged in role playing antisocial characteristics and when subsequently exposed to severe stress, acted out those same characteristics in real life.
You didn't submit any case, you just mentioned how would you feel about someone spending his free time playing a game based in vile actions; my response was connected to this. Seriously.
I submitted the case right there in that statement.
And I still believe my answer is connected to it. I see no point on lying myself about it.

Quote from: Omnivore
However, if I understand the OP correctly, he is not addressing the idea of promoting questionable behaviors but merely making them available.  I do not understand why.
Out of curiosity. You still don't understand why I wish to include those options? I've added more information about it after this post of yours.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 08:46:13 AM by Endorya »
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2014, 08:48:51 AM »
You can't simply kill / harm innocent people with the excuse of being at war.

Of course you can and it happens all the time. Sometimes these war crimes are addressed afterwards, but only if it's possible.


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2014, 08:54:38 AM »
Of course you can and it happens all the time. Sometimes these war crimes are addressed afterwards, but only if it's possible.
Which will always be an evil action regardless of how you can justify it. My initial discussion was about people being ok with committing crimes in Skyrim. Killing an innocent person or an animal just for fun is an evil act, which people seem to be ok with it.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 08:56:55 AM by Endorya »
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2014, 09:00:22 AM »
This is pretty lame. I'm not a big fan of the thread in general, as it's pretty obvious why people would be uncomfortable with a game that features child molestation and animal torture, but you just know asking a question like "why shouldn't I include the possibility of being a rapist in my role playing game?" is going to lead to someone posting "hookup culture = rape culture" talking points from their Android device. And there it is.
Funny, I find out to be lame seeing people being against vile options that no one is forced to use and that are not even part of the game's core.

To each one his own, I guess.

This thread is so bad. What is the point of discussing this anyway? You take pains to say you're only talking about irrelevant features (you know, the kinds of things people who actually write games don't include), as though this makes an essential difference in the normative question you pose. First, it doesn't. Second, who cares if it does? Who's going to write the value neutral, noncompulsory child rape game?


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2014, 09:59:18 AM »
Quote from: mushroom
This thread is so bad. What is the point of discussing this anyway? You take pains to say you're only talking about irrelevant features (you know, the kinds of things people who actually write games don't include), as though this makes an essential difference in the normative question you pose. First, it doesn't. Second, who cares if it does? Who's going to write the value neutral, noncompulsory child rape game?
I actually care for everyone's opinion because it helps me to better understand mankind, how people work. If you think that this topic is that bad, I really don't understand why you keep reading it and posting in it. I guess you just needed to make sure I knew about the way you feel about it. It is absolutely fine with me if you view these features as pointless, but don't take that argument as everyone's ultimatum.

I actually find this thread quite interesting. I enjoy a lot noticing different point of views even if I totally disagree with them.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 10:03:21 AM by Endorya »
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2014, 10:02:52 AM »
Out of curiosity. You still don't understand why I wish to include those options? I've added more information about it after this post of yours.

Honestly you could add an encyclopedia's worth of information and I still wouldn't understand.  I'm rather glad I don't.


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2014, 10:14:11 AM »
Honestly you could add an encyclopedia's worth of information and I still wouldn't understand.  I'm rather glad I don't.
That's cool with me as long you don't blame me for not understand it. I don't understand myself how can someone enjoy Pacific Rim, but this is a problem of mine.
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2014, 10:38:36 AM »

w00t? No need to flame […] I always found the argument that "I'm your elder, so I must be wiser" very rude and frankly counterproductive)
If you are much older than I am (36) than there is a high probably than you have learned that: 'we shouldn't discount what others say just because we might disagree with them' before I did. This type of knowledge is something we teach to kids, at least this is what happens from where I come from. I think now you understand why I reacted the way I did. Being called a kid is not exactly a compliment.
Then we're about the same age. You're a year older, so I kneel to your superior XP pool ;) What I reacted to, however, was your very hostile reply to a completely sensible post. In your original message, you seemed to be honestly asking what people would think about adding atrocious actions to a RL. Rickton replied with some points that are important to consider before doing something like that, without condemning where you're coming from. Then, you were the one who got overly emotional and accused him of being immature, just because he pointed out that it's not completely unproblematic to add rape into a computer game.

Touching upon this, but hopefully getting on with the discussion, I'm not too fond of the emotional/rational dichotomy you seem to be using. I sincerely think that emotion is an extremely important part of human intelligence; amongst other things, it constitutes some essential justifications for why we have ethics in the first place. Without emotion, there can be no reason, only rationalism.

And so: Coming from the "simulationist" side of things, it's justifiable to claim that the player should be allowed to do evil. I'm all on board here, considering emergent gameplay. In a RL, it makes sense to allow killing the villagers instead of running their petty errands and leaving your hardearned gold in their shops. Now, some game explicitly disallow killing friendly NPCs, others will let people react badly to evil PCs, yet others will just feature NPCs who stand unimpressed by as you hack down their neighbors for no apparent reason. Different solutions work well for different types of games, of course.

Implementing rape and torture (to stay with those examples) takes it a step further, though, and can't solely be justified by saying it's up to the player how the PC acts. The reason is that these are corner cases that need to be explicitly developed and coded. There are other, similarly specific actions, you are going to leave out, whether it be training birds, making paper, sleeping, shitting and pissing (yes, seriously ;)), helping out at the orphanage, whatever. As a designer, you need to justify (to yourself, at least) why you are putting effort into including some of this and excluding other things. For fun? To make a point? And you must acknowledge that you giving the player this particular agency has to do with how the PC is portrayed. I recently read a related discussion, where Red Dead Redemption was mentioned. (I haven't played it myself, so I'm just paraphrasing what others said) The game includes prostitutes with which the PC can interact. He is explicitly prevented from having sex with them, because he's a married man, and this is to say something about his moral fiber. However, he will gladly kill prostitutes by tying them to the railroad tracks and waiting for a train. In an example like that, the "simulationist" argument doesn't really hold water. The designers specifically disallowed one immoral act and allowed another. The only logical conclusion is that the hero of that game is designed to be a misogynistic asshole of the first degree. If the designers would disagree with this reading, it makes them the assholes (or just stupidly inconsiderate), IMHO. As a side note: Don't fall into the trap of believing that it's somehow controversial to allow sadistic murder of prostitutes. This features in many, many mainstream games, and the "value neutral" portrayal of such violence is something we should rather work against as game enthusiasts.

Taking a step back and considering films with controversial content, for instance, there are a whole bunch of movies, eg. splatters, torture porn, and actually most action movies, which portray different kinds of violence for the entertainment value. There are also movies which take on difficult themes and try to treat them in a respectful and serious way. On the subject of child molestation, an example might be Mystic River. I think there's room for both kinds (and various expressions which fall somewhere in the middle, being at once spectacularly gruesome whilst trying to make a point). And, for instance, stories about heroic men exterminating aberrants in the name of good isn't exactly a modern phenomenon. Yet, as an audience and certainly as a creator, I find much more satisfaction in films/games/whatever which treat their mature themes in a mature way. I grew up with Peter Jackson's Bad Taste and all that, so I couldn't care less about the Nth installment of Saw. Stuff like that seems to me more or less a wasted effort, although I guess each generation needs its collection of "shocking" media. Still, I applaud a movie like Pasolini's Salò, which is one of the most stomach-churning movies ever made, and on level that makes stuff like Cannibal Holocaust seem just lame.

Treating a subject matter in a serious way will probably not piss off the people who actually matter. Some prudes might principally scoff at a game which features certain crimes, and many victims of said crimes will want to avoid such games most of the time. But I think, if you want to include rape, for instance, you should do it in such a way that even a rape victim would say: "This game gives a realistic/meaningful portrayal of rape, and whether or not I would want to experience the game myself, I respect the designer for making it." I think victims of particularly violent crimes never stop thinking and talking about their experiences (Primo Levi makes this point about survivors of the Holocaust), although they might feel uncomfortable with rape jokes at a dinner party. Treating the topic of evil isn't only "acceptable", it's actually very necessary to do, for us as a society and as individuals. In other words: If you do feel like there are no issues raised by the addition of rape and torture in your game, it probably means you should just leave it.

So ... in a RL/open world game ... I would love to be allowed to control an evil protagonist, if it made me feel like I went away from the game somehow richer in experience. If it's "just for fun", though, I think that adding something like rape is in bad taste, so much that it might put me off trying the game in the first place. And please note that I'm talking about explicitly implementing sadism here, in which case the argument that "it's the player's choice" really doesn't fly. Sure, every now and then I play ADOM and end up exterminating Dwarf Town just for laughs. But I would not approve if Biskup had added the option to gratuitously molest children in his game.

As always,

PS. 2013's RL of the Year, Noxico is sex-themed, and I think it's even planned to feature procedural rape. To me, that seems pretty "meh" at best, morally repugnant at worst; in any case, of course there's room in this world for a game like that, and I don't believe anyone becomes a bad person from ASCII fantasies about giving rimjobs to centaurs.
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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2014, 11:32:08 AM »
First off: Expecting to engage in an argument without emotions is illogical. If you or anyone else thinks they are the special snowflake that can argue without emotion then you are lying to yourself and others. Its like you are interested in Ballistics Research, so you throw a grenade into your family room and then complain that no one appreciates your wonderful scientific experiment -- after all it was designed with inhuman logic! so wtf! ...

Anyway.. There is a difference between books/films and video-games: audience participation.  The former requires passive interaction, the latter requires active interaction.  Watching or reading about a rape or a torture is inherently different than participating in one. The degree of interaction correlates with emotional immersion.  It is bad enough that we as a people have become desensitized to killing by the unending bombardment on our senses by both active and passive death modelling.  Do we really need to turn up the dial on interactive rape and torture? Does it seem like a particularly smart and or necessary idea within the realm of your purportedly inhuman logic?


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Re: Major moral controversial features in a game.
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2014, 11:54:28 AM »
Good point. The question isn't really: "Might my violent game directly make someone violent in real life?" but rather how one wants to make one's (tiny) impact in the field of culture as a whole. Handled in a good way, though, I think that player agency can precisely be what makes games an interesting medium to explore atrocity. There are examples of theatrical/cinematic narratives that break the fourth wall and imply the audience as somehow complicit, by force of their voyeurism. Maybe the original example is Brecht's Dreigroschenoper. In film, there are examples like Funny games (shamelessly ripping off Brecht in this regard) and I guess something like Man Bites Dog could be mentioned. The point is, playing a game about violence does remain in the realm of voyeurism, even if it's taken up a notch by letting the player dictate which act of violence should come next. For that very reason, I'm sure a good game about violence could make some interesting points about violence-as-entertainment in itself and maybe even bring some players to introspect a bit, more than a book or a movie.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.