Hurray for a sequel of sorts to 3059 feature set:
* Procedurally generated items, landscapes and quests -- endless lands and items allow for great replayability
* Dynamic skill and character development -- you improve upon what you do
* Open "sandbox"-style gameplay includes activities like building, fighting, lockpicking and stealing
* New special abilities like personal teleportation and invisibility
* Improved story that integrates with the game
* 360 degree movement
* Ranged weapons actually fire projectiles you can dodge
* Easier user interface
* Improved graphics, no longer ASCII-based
* Supports importing your own graphics
* State-machine based artificial intelligence
* Developed in .NET using Windows Forms
Also, there's this side project in the links section that caught my eye:, can anybody explain to me HOW to download the latest and greatest version of this in a simple way? I got the first public release file...but I'm guessing there's something more to it for the updated bits?
Finally, since it slipped past me for the past 6 and 4 years respectively: Check out Flatspace 1 and 2 as they do, in fact, exist out there: demos, can be purchased direct, also both are on Stardock's Impulse Digital Distro service. As my funds are rapidly dwindling, I hold out hope now for Flatspace 2 on the cheap during an Impulse Weekend Sale.

Cheers folks!