Further support for the idea of an easy way to backup and mirror Roguebasin is the Interactive Fiction archive: http://www.ifarchive.org/. They have many mirrors which help the archive greatly by keeping their bandwidth costs low. This has the added benefit of preventing the disappearance of the ifarchive even if the "main" site goes down.
Interesting, but more technically advanced than what I'd be able to cope with.

Even a copy that required a certain amount of manual or automatic translation would probably be preferable to no copy at all. I'm not sure if the Creative Commons license is compatible with the GNU FDL, but I would suspect it might be. Wikia looks perhaps like the best option, so long as the licenses are compatible.
I've been looking through
the options available for wiki farms. I think there are some that are MediaWiki and GNU FDL. Don't know whether they're any good as well though.
Anyhow, to summarize some of the options available:
Option 1: Create a read-only backup at a free wiki farm using MediaWiki. Update the backup with changed pages every month or so.
Pro - Content is safe (and everybody can see it's safe ;-).
Anti - Monthly backup will be a tad fiddly / annoying.
- Does not solve any of the problems with spam, non-ascii characters, etc.
Option 2: Create a backup at a free wiki farm using MediaWiki and allow editing at the new location.
Pro- Later versions of MediaWiki will (hopefully) cope better with spam, odd characters etc.
Anti- Keeping the two versions synchronized might be
stupidly difficult.
Option 3: Create new 'RogueBasin' at a wiki farm and encourage people to go there instead.
Pro - Can take advantage of later MediaWiki versions.
Anti- Lose nice domain name, lose Google ranking, possibly annoy Slash and Bjorn for trying to 'steal' their wiki.
Option 4: Obtain reassurances from those responsible for the current RogueBasin that the wiki content is properly backed up. Encourage additional admin access users for server / wiki to deal with technical problems.
Pro- Keep all the current good stuff.
Anti- Current admin may be too busy with real life and may not want (or be able to) allow other people at the admin level required.