Considering how Allegro was stripped out in favor of libtcod---has there been any rumblings as to asking Zeno for some guidance at some point as far as getting Incursion functional within the ever-improving stable that is the Necklace of The Eye frontend?
In theory, I would guess it would avail Incursion of various useful features relevant in much the same manner as at least with Frozen Depths...?
It's complicated.
On my own behalf, I want my involvement with Incursion to be effortless. I want to only spend my time on tasks which are of personal interest to me. I do not want to spend my time on tasks which others who are not willing to do the work themselves, want me to do. I am not.. what is the term.. an "uncompensated volunteer" :-) I personally have no interest at this time in NoTE. And as such, the answer is no. Also, going from an old version of Allegro to libtcod was driven my my own knowledge top to bottom of libtcod, and to a lesser extent of SDL2. It was simply the easiest path, not a choice made because I wanted to go to libtcod specifically. I would be more likely to add curses support personally, so that the sighticallly challenged among us can bask in the glory of Julian's work, which it must be said I merely polish. That's a task that appeals to my own personal interests.
On behalf of Incursion and Julian, I believe when Julian released the source code his post was very clear that while he did not ban it outright, he was against licenses like the GPL being put on Incursion. And in this case, last I recall there were licensing constraints.. specifically GPL licence constraints, which came with NoTE.
Let me remind anyone else reading this, that you can fork Incursion and maintain your own version. If you personally want NoTE support, then by all means make a version with it. Just regularly pull my changes and release a matching version with a NoTE tag. Or go your own way, and make your own changes and take the game in what you see as a better direction!