Author Topic: Ananias v1.3  (Read 4318 times)


  • Creator of Roguetemple
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Ananias v1.3
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:36:11 AM »
Development continues!

The prime goal of the 7DRL Challenge is to achieve Completion, elusive Completion. Developers spend a lot of time working on their game engines, yet never been able to complete a game for others to play.

In that sense, I feel my last two entries have at least been real successes, may be I’ve learned a bit along all these years after all.

However, that doesn’t mean development should cease after the challenge.

As usual, I’ve decided to continue onward with the development of Ananías; the original 7DRL version, for curious and jurors, will remain at New versions will be released at and at Google Play.

Development will focus on the following: Usability and Gameplay Depth. Might also at some point spice the plot a bit, but that’s not a priority.

This new version brings the following heartbreaking changes:

* Add Minimap and exploration mechanics
* Remove message log, change it for inline messages
* Double speed monsters
* New items distribution
* New enemy definitions
* Added Starter Kit (Weapon + Armor)
* Show Damage Roll for weapons
* Random PC appearance

So, go and play now or download it for your Android!

All your comments are welcome!