Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 626505 times)


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As a hobbyist, I don't have the benefit of experience that a lot of you professionals do.  But mostly, I find that I hit a certain point and go, "oh, I should have done this fundamental thing differently."  So I'm trying to have a bit more organization, so maybe I don't trip quite so much.

As an example, I had been having the actors handle attacks; when one attacked another, the agressor ran Actor.attack(Attack att, Actor defender).  Which is all fine, until I start doing area of effect attacks, and I need to involve the engine (as the actors don't usually have access to the map; just when making decisions).  Also, having the engine execute actions allows me to treat non-attack actions like attacks (I can handle it all with Engine.executeAction(Actor actor, Action action, Coord target)).

While this one thing doesn't take too long to change, I find I quickly get a pile of these.  Then I start having a hard time remembering where particular routines were, I spend a lot of time bug-hunting for errors caused by gutting and relocating, etc.

And I'm a deli clerk.  It's not like I come home from work intellectually exhausted.  :P


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Every so often start a small game from scratch to get a clean start incorporating all that you learned.  This is one of the benefits of writing a seven day game.


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Hello Everyone!

I'm from Croatia and I'm a student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

First of all I love gaming, I've been gaming since I was born (I'm 20 atm :) ). There is a certain game that hooked me like no other. It was Diablo. At that time I didn't know what a roguelike is nor how it plays but Diablo although distant to true roguelikes introduced me to the genre. Later I found out about Rogue, Nethack and others so I started playing them (mostly iPhone ports) and I really liked them. Especially the perma death and turn based nature (my other favourite game is x-com).

My other love beside gaming, watching movies & reading books is programming. So I got an idea. Why not make my own roguelike.  It certainly will help me gain experience in a possible future profession and instead of making boring (and so far easy) college coding tasks this should be fun.

It's been over a month since I started my project. Written completely by myself in C++ with SDL and help from Roguebasin the project is near it's phase where it can be pretty playable, almost finished game.
I also made my own pixel art (albeit really sucky one) but I'll post the game here when the main menu is done. After that all I need is pack the game with content.
Since this was my first project of this kind the code is pretty messy (and I always try to keep it clean) so I won't be releasing the source. Furthermore the game doesn't have original ideas, I was mostly influenced by Rogue, NetHack, 100 Rogues and ofcourse Diablo. On the other hand I'm sure you will appreciate the hard work that went into it and help me polish it when you get to play it.
Maybe I dare and make another one (maybe while learning another languge).
Current project: Into the Dungeon++


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Just a quick post to say "hi" . I'm a long time lurker but have recently signed up :).
As a software developer I've long had a fascination with the genre, but to date have not done anything significant, although lately I've been doing quite a bit of research with a view to having a crack at a roguelike.



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Hey! Sorry bout my terrible netiquete, I already promoted my game Mysterious Castle on the early dev board before introducing myself.

Hi! I go by eclectocrat. I currently live in Taiwan, but have been mobile throughout east asia for the last 5 years. originally from Toronto Canada. I've been hanging around the TIGSource boards for almost a year and working on my game, which is a graphical party based roguelike. I spend most of my time making games and not much playing them, but when I do play I like DF and Zangband. I often dig in other peoples source code to find inspiration and I love the whole concept of procedurally generated worlds, I want to make a game that I will have fun playing!

Hello y'all!


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Please feel officially welcomed!

A traveling developer? I think Slash would have few problems placing your "@" on Roguemundi. Another roguelike to play is always a good thing. Make sure to drop us a line when Mysterious Castle is available for new platforms.

I want to make a game that I will have fun playing!
Authors of Rogue had exactly the same thing on mind. Hopefully you succeed in creating something as fun. Good luck!
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Hi folks,

Been following this forum for a little while now. Got interested in RL development a couple months ago after playing the heck out of DCSS (definitely an awesome game). For years I've actually been developing roguelike games all by myself, not realizing it was even a genre! The development was more for my personal edification than anything else, so I never bothered to advertise...

That will change with my next project, which I suppose I'll go announce in the appropriate category now...

(I live in Taiwan, by the way.)


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Hey everyone! I'm a CS student who spends waaay too much time playing RLs. ;D I have programming experience and a pet project RL, which I've been putting some work into recently. Been lurking here for quite some time and joined up a while ago.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 06:03:27 PM by XLambda »


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Enjoy your time here XLambda!   Looking forward to some eventual announcements on your pet project RL.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #219 on: November 07, 2011, 11:20:48 PM »
Enjoy your time here XLambda!   Looking forward to some eventual announcements on your pet project RL.   8)

Likewise! Sounds good. Always interesting to see what those who actually know about this programming lark come up with :)


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #220 on: November 10, 2011, 02:26:03 PM »
Hi everyone!

My name is Tuukka and I like to tinker with code during my spare time. I recently started writing yet another rogue clone (4th so far, never came close to finishing any of them). My favourite of the genre is Nethack, which I never has been able to finish.
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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #221 on: December 20, 2011, 06:37:11 PM »

My name is Luka, I don't live on the second floor tho. I'm from France and I enjoy playing, making roguelikes. As many I have troubles finishing my projects though... Last fail to date is 2 years old, was a L5R themed one and when it started getting somewhere I've been stupid enough to mail AEG for permission.

I work in computer sciences, mostly helping researchers prototyping tools and using them for case studies (mostly model checking and model based testing). Kinda ironic seeing how there's room for improvement in my OO design, obviously I don't work alone.

My favourite roguelike is, by quite the margin, DCSS. It's also the only "major" one I won. Fun thing is I can't do it anymore for some reason, first time I made it to xp lvl 12  I went all the way and escaped with a good amount of runes, now I make it to this level quite often but can't win.

Anyway, love the community here, pretty sure I'll enjoy my stay!

- Luka


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #222 on: December 28, 2011, 03:20:11 PM »
Hello there and welcome to the Temple of Roguelike forums.

You know, Kornel is still waiting for his Cease and Desist letter from ID software for Doom: the Roguelike. If fate smiles upon you -- you shall wait too!

You won a major roguelike, you can consider yourself at least somewhat a veteran player. DCSS changes at quite astounding pace. Versions differ so much effectiveness of particular tactics and strategy vary visibly. Maybe you will have better results when next release is out.

Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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I got my very own Commodore 64 when I was 6 or 7 years old.  Almost immediately I started teaching myself to program too pouring over books and old programming magazines.  I was a very avid reader early on.  In the third grade I was reading Shakespeare on my own, not the Cliff Notes.

Back then, my "wizard" skills in C64 basic, GWBasic, QuickBasic and Pascal were viewed by many with awe and wonderment.  Now with the prevalence of the internet and an infinite wealth of information on almost any subject you can imagine what was once labeled prodigious seems more common place.

Now, I feel like I'm behind. :P

I like to bill myself as a hobbyist game programmer, graphic artist and music producer though.

In that silly place called "real life" I'm a professional TV/Radio reporter and edit/produce my own video as well.

I'm currently working on an old school Sierra-type adventure game with another chap over this here interwebs thing but have some Rogue-ish ideas I'd like to work on this year as well.

I'm comfortable but not masterful with a number of programming languages and as long as there is reasonable documentation and examples I can pick up the basics of new languages fairly quickly as I have a fair understanding of basic programming concepts.  If there's a great example or tutorial for one language I'm not averse to giving it a whirl to take advantage of it or attempting to port the concepts to a language I'm more familiar with.  But just so I don't overstate my abilities you probably wouldn't want me as a team lead on some brand new Roguelike game you're totally making.  I'm no Slash or Kornel.

I am a pretty fair spriter and animator as well (I think).  There is some graphic work for a game that I've been working on recently here.

As far as games go, I love games!  I have an incredible soft spot in my heart for the classic arcade games, anything from the C64/Amiga era, Nintendo and so forth.  

I also used to do a fair bit of dungeon crawling back in my C64 days as well so the genre is nothing to me.

I've actually been lurking here for quite a while but just recently decided to register on the forums.

My favorites at the moment are: Nethack, CastlevaniaRL, ToME4, Powder and DoomRL.

I aim to ascend one day in Nethack but up to now I've been incredibly stubborn when it comes to giving in to reading so-called "Spoilers".  

I would actually one day like to scrub through the official Nethack spoilers and sort out the actual spoilers from what should actually be called INSTRUCTIONS. :P

So to sum up, classic gaming fanatic, hobbyist programmer, roguelike enthusiast, person of various skills and amateur freerunner. (Okay, that last one was a lie)

Oh...and definitely a RogueTemple fan. ;)

I also have a fairly decent Roguelike news blog here.  It's not meant to be THEE Roguelike news source or the new TotR but mostly for my own personal and twisted satisfaction.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:56:08 AM by NeedsFoodBadly »
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Welcome and enjoy!   8)  May you always manage to find the Red Warriors, Blue Wizards, and such that you pair well with. 
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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