Hi there.
I discovered roguelikes with an obscure game on a Minitel -some sort of primitive French internet in the 80s which had simple games and services.
It mostly involved me bashing bats, rats and spending too much time on the phone line -1 minute of Minitel was kinda expensive iirc.
I was

when I found out there were similar games on the computer and it was a whole genre.
I'm no hardcore rogueliker but since then I played games like ADOM, Crawl, DoomRL and DwarfFortress.
I like indie games in general because they are not bound by the standardisation of UI, graphics and gameplay. They are more creative, have their own quirks, merits and faults and its part of the fun -or the irritation- in playing them.
I'm also developping "Rogue Survivor" a zombie themed roguelike and will possibly post an alpha version here soon. I tend not to finish pet projects, let's hope for a change.