I really like this! The graphics are great, and the concept and mechanics are novel.
Several bugs:
- The rogue's power either does nothing or is unclear. If I only have one enemy revealed, he should have +2 attack, right?
- Enemies reduced to 0 HP from the wizard's power remain on the map and still have to be attacked. Somehow, in this process, I also made a group of enemies unclickable, which might have rendered the game unplayable, but the other group had the key.
- The battle pane suggests that I can click on an enemy to see its special abilities, but I haven't found any enemies for which that actually works.
- Health doesn't update when you kick a hero out of your party.
- The knight's power can cause the lich's attack to go negative, making him heal you.
- The victory text doesn't fit on the screen.
Final score: 10725.
Thanks so much for the feedback / bug report! Sadly yes -- there were definitely some issues (some of which I was aware with) but I'm hoping to fix these in a 'real' release. I intend to have several episodes (with different themes/enemies) and some unlockable content. For instance, if you save 50 Knights, the Knight will begin to spawn in other dungeons as well -- stuff like that.
The rogue's power either does nothing or is unclear. If I only have one enemy revealed, he should have +2 attack, right?That's right, that's how it's supposed to work. It did at one point, and I think I broke it towards the end of development
Enemies reduced to 0 HP from the wizard's power remain on the map and still have to be attacked. Somehow, in this process, I also made a group of enemies unclickable, which might have rendered the game unplayable, but the other group had the key.I thought I'd fixed this, but I guess not. I'll take a look.
The battle pane suggests that I can click on an enemy to see its special abilities, but I haven't found any enemies for which that actually works.Yeah -- sadly, this got cut, because I was exhausted by the end and needed a break. I do intend for every enemy to have some type of power.
Health doesn't update when you kick a hero out of your party.Yep, need to fix this.
The knight's power can cause the lich's attack to go negative, making him heal you.Ah good catch! Hadn't really considered that the knight might cause that to happen. I was thinking that perhaps it should cap at one actually; reducing to 0 seems too good. I forgot too that on longer fights, that ability might be a bit TOO good.
The victory text doesn't fit on the screen.On the bright side, I'm happy you made it to the end

Thanks again for taking the time to try it! Given the large number of entries, it means a lot to me when someone takes the time to try my game