Indeed, but i dare say you wouldn't entirely lose the thread. Just throw something together out of old routines from your library. Then again, the nature of coding is to find two problems for every one you solve.
I intend to write a 8bit-grade 4X game. Its the environment generating routines that scare me, but for a good 4X they're essential. The environment also has to feel natural.
I haven't coded since i was a nipper, but the experience of pseudo-coding hasn't left me.
Hehehe, i used to code in BASIC on 8bit, then AMOS on the Amiga...i have a whole new syntax to learn and routine library to build. One advantage of modern machines is that my code won't have to (in theory at least) be too efficient.
Thinking about it, i have a LANGUAGE to choose to learn.
Give me 8 months and i'll be 'AAAAARRRGGH!!!'
Well, i hope your current block doesn't persist, it IS a grand thing you've gone for after all.