I'm not using skype but I guess there are other ways to talk. Collaboration is fine if you can agree to few things.
My main design philosophy is pretty much this stuff heavily modified
http://www.d20srd.org/ mixed with general mood and magic system of Diablo 1. The combat stuff excluding magic should fit into the mood of d20 srd.
What I basically truly need is tiles, and general suggestions about the content of the game, UI, descriptions, bug testing and so on. Basically what I need is mainly an
artist who can give improvements. You'd get your nick / name to the credits as artist also.
Lastly, I'd the one who decides about the game and what gets into it. I have a strong vision about the game. I'll take all suggestions and then think if they get into the game. As you've seen, some of your stuff has gotten into the game such as the armor penalties negated by other stat than strength.
Basically, nothing would change from what we've been doing to this point, but you could refer this project as yours too.