Hey guys, long time since I was last here... Anyways, we all probably had 'em, a game you think will be terrible, you try it, and you love it. This is a topic on what those games are, and what your thoughts are on these games. Anyways, mine are:
The original Rogue:
When I first played this game I was still quite young and I was just downloading all the small games off of dosgames.com and putting them on a floppy for my old 486 PC. Most of these games were just terrible, so I didn't have high expectations for "Rogue" but wow... Was I ever wrong. This was the only decent game I got that was about it's size on that little floppy disk, and I played it a LOT. The farthest I ever got was the 18th floor on the way back up.
At first look, this game looked way overcomplicated and I thought it would be nothing more then a sad attempt to make a text adventure game... I guess I should have learned from Rogue to never underestimate a game because of it's looks. This is still my all-time favorite Roguelike. I've never gotten past the Tower of Eternal Flames yet, but I've gotten the rest of the orbs and such. And if you havent read it, I'd suggest reading ADOI (An amazing ADOM parody comedy that is sure to cause you to bust a gut laughing at least once or twice.)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of time: (Cue finger pointing and laughing.)
This game looked terrible when I first looked at the screenshots, but after reading a few reviews that said that it was a "Suprisingly good" roguelike, I decided to give it a try... I played the game a bit, there was decent character development and an ok Storyline... After playing for a few minutes, I was having fun... No really, it was an odd feeling to think the exact opposite about a game after playing it, this is the first game to do this. It has randomly generated dungeons, a backstory, non-linear missions (Except for the story-based missions) and a "Privateer-style" Job system. This is actually the game that got me into the Pokemon franchise.
What are your games that rose above expectations?