I just released a new version of TinyCurses. It fixes a lot of rather large bugs, and implements some functionality that should have been there to begin with. Among other things:
- Printw now accepts everything that stdio's printf does.
- getstr now works correctly.
- All functions return what they're listed to in the documentation (Mostly 0).
- All functions should accept any input without crashing.
- Still no transparency support yet

Sorry. It's finals.
Still a lot to do. Currently, any function that accepts a color (like printwext) changes the color of all text placed after it until the user of the library calls "color". I thought this was a good idea at first, but now I find it really annoying. In the next version, the color of text placed with addch or printw will only change if you call "color". Aside from that, I should really get transparency up and running, but I've been lazy. And I've been working on finals.
Get it here: