So having played this game off and on for about a year, I shrugged it off at first as a "coffee-break" roguelike, with not many options, and I thought it just had balancing-issues, because I kept dying and dying and dying, without achieving much first, may I add.
However, after doing some research acouple of days ago, I've found that it does have alot of depth - it was just that I didn't realize it! Also, it gets updated once every 2 weeks or so, so my love for this game, and its' creator, has just grown even bigger

So last night I got my first Mage to slay the 3rd boss, and achieved the Tome of Knowledge (or something!)
Things I have learned:
-Flies multiply when attacked by physical weapons, and drop HP pots. Farm them to get HP pots.
-If there is a barricade in a level, there is also a potion of Liquid Flame.
-Save Scroll of Upgrade for "THAT weapon" or "THAT armor", don't bother spending it to survive first couple levels on a scruffy char.

(Unless it's your first few games)
-Try to always be one level higher than the dlevel you are currently visiting.
-Stairfighting works against certain mobs.
-Mystery Meat can be grilled on fire to become safe to eat.
-Piranhas can be cleared by ranged weapon, if you burn down the door to the room they are in.