Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon, Android  (Read 20173 times)


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Pixel Dungeon, Android
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:26:46 AM »
So having played this game off and on for about a year, I shrugged it off at first as a "coffee-break" roguelike, with not many options, and I thought it just had balancing-issues, because I kept dying and dying and dying, without achieving much first, may I add.

However, after doing some research acouple of days ago, I've found that it does have alot of depth - it was just that I didn't realize it! Also, it gets updated once every 2 weeks or so, so my love for this game, and its' creator, has just grown even bigger :)

So last night I got my first Mage to slay the 3rd boss, and achieved the Tome of Knowledge (or something!)

Things I have learned:
-Flies multiply when attacked by physical weapons, and drop HP pots. Farm them to get HP pots.
-If there is a barricade in a level, there is also a potion of Liquid Flame.
-Save Scroll of Upgrade for "THAT weapon" or "THAT armor", don't bother spending it to survive first couple levels on a scruffy char. :P (Unless it's your first few games)
-Try to always be one level higher than the dlevel you are currently visiting.
-Stairfighting works against certain mobs.
-Mystery Meat can be grilled on fire to become safe to eat.
-Piranhas can be cleared by ranged weapon, if you burn down the door to the room they are in.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 01:55:51 PM »
Oh and on food:
-Hunger only has 3 stages: (maybe 4 (full))
So you want to press on as long as you think possible before chugging down your last ration.. besides, Starving is no disaster, it is merely like some weak "poison" - you lose 1hp now and again. With tons of HP-pots or lifesteal effects, that is not a big issue :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 04:34:34 AM »
-Try to always be one level higher than the dlevel you are currently visiting.

So monsters DO respawn? Because even after clearing all the rooms, I always come up short on experience... not to mention, when I do so, I end up starving to death!
The Ed draws near! What dost thou deaux?



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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2013, 11:41:28 PM »
-Try to always be one level higher than the dlevel you are currently visiting.

So monsters DO respawn? Because even after clearing all the rooms, I always come up short on experience... not to mention, when I do so, I end up starving to death!

I'm not sure, but I do know it's like you say - it's rarely worth it to cycle around in a fully explored dungeon-floor, hoping for more exp.

It's more something of a "measurement of strength" perhaps? That you are aware, that if you are on Dlvl 4 and only XPlvl 3 or 4, you might want to think twice before just exchanging blows with the first monster you see - perhaps see which resources you have in your inventory.

Other than that, you don't want to just rush down every stair you see, without atleast exploring the floor you currently are on.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 12:50:35 AM »
I've played Pixel Dungeon for a while now and I have to admit that I like the look and feel of this game. Although I think that it still needs some balancing as the amount food is too little and/or the hunger clock is too fast.
Nevertheless a solid roguelike and the best on mobile platforms imho.

OT: by the way, first post ;)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2013, 02:26:18 PM »
I found bug.
After drinking potion of invisability you are undetected unless you take any interactions with mobs. And thats how it should work :-)  . But there is one exception. You can use boomerang as warden and kill as many mobs you wish without breaking potion's effect


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 03:42:20 PM »
Pixel Dungeon is now considered a major roguelike? Cool  8)

After drinking potion of invisability you are undetected unless you take any interactions with mobs. And thats how it should work :-)  . But there is one exception. You can use boomerang as warden and kill as many mobs you wish without breaking potion's effect

You can do it with any class and any missile weapon, but it's more effective with boomerang. Maybe you are right, maybe it's too effective...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2014, 08:23:09 PM »
At first I liked this game a lot but now I don't like it's (IMO) flawed design.
I know that many rogue like are very hard but this game is tedious.
It's actually a very simple design flaw.

I am talking about the goo monster(The first boss).
It takes 4/5 levels to reach the goo but when you encounter the goo you get one chance to defeat it and then it's right from the beginning all over again.
I know that is how it's like in Rogue Likes, but the combination of dieing really fast if you don't know how to fight it(which leads to very little time studying the monster) and the extremely tedious task of going all over the levels again broke the experience for me.
If I didn't google about the goo it would have taken me countless tries until I figured out how to defeat it.
It might sound like a challenge but it's not really a good challenge.
It would be the equivalent to get dropped out of university every time you fail a course even if you reached the last semester.
Again, Rogue Likes usually have "1 life" but this specific Rogue like seems to be flawed in it's streamline design.
And I am not suppose to have to use google to be able to play a game.

Maybe I am just too noob to Rogue Likes?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 06:11:04 PM »
At first I liked this game a lot but now I don't like it's (IMO) flawed design.
I know that many rogue like are very hard but this game is tedious.
It's actually a very simple design flaw.

I am talking about the goo monster(The first boss).
It takes 4/5 levels to reach the goo but when you encounter the goo you get one chance to defeat it and then it's right from the beginning all over again.
I know that is how it's like in Rogue Likes, but the combination of dieing really fast if you don't know how to fight it(which leads to very little time studying the monster) and the extremely tedious task of going all over the levels again broke the experience for me.
If I didn't google about the goo it would have taken me countless tries until I figured out how to defeat it.
It might sound like a challenge but it's not really a good challenge.
It would be the equivalent to get dropped out of university every time you fail a course even if you reached the last semester.
Again, Rogue Likes usually have "1 life" but this specific Rogue like seems to be flawed in it's streamline design.
And I am not suppose to have to use google to be able to play a game.

Maybe I am just too noob to Rogue Likes?

Hehe well.. you can try downloading Crawl Stone Soup, or ADOM or NetHack, and I seriously doubt you will get very far without some help from spoilers.
Roguelikes are quite tough, exactly for the reason you state here: When you die, you start over, so how get experience?

You basically have to try and analyze deaths as extensive as possible to get that experience, rather than just ragequit/instantly restart. Atleast in Pixel Dungeon, these type of monsters/bosses are far inbetween. In many roguelikes, regular monsters once you get to a certain depth will 1hit you, unless you know how to fight them.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2014, 06:10:21 PM »
I was surprised this game is so popular on Google Play because it is almost the opposite from the casual and easy games that are more common on mobile platforms.
So I thought, are there so many people who are familiar with Rogue Like?
I think from the few reviews I read on the game most of the players are not Rogue Like fans they don't even seem to know what is a Rogue Like. They just instinctively like this style of game. Shows Rogue Likes will always be classic.

RiC David

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Re: Pixel Dungeon, Android
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2014, 05:56:20 PM »
Pixel Dungeon is one of those roguelikes that seems ridiculously difficult at first - I felt soo pathetic when I read that there was a dungeon below the sewers after at least a month of playing! Since then I've defeated the Goo and can now beat him with ease nearly every time, I don't think I've ever failed to defeat the second boss and I finally defeated the third boss! It's just a case of managing your upgrades well and doing a good job of identifying or correctly guessing which potions are which.

Something I didn't even realise until many many weeks of play is that the potion of strength is not a temporary buff but a permanent increase to the strength skill! I hadn't played enough Brogue to know this and once I found out it changed everything; also don't wait until you meet the strength requirement, armour can be worn at least two degrees out and weapons should be sufficient two degrees out.

Oh and Earthroots are a Godsend. You will receive no damage from regular monsters and very little damage from bosses, know this and succeed!