Author Topic: Random Realms , version 009c  (Read 4986 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Random Realms , version 009c
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:34:02 AM »
finally after more than a year, a new version of Random Realms is released.

complete and free for windows, download it here:

What sets random realms apart is that in each new game,
an entire set of 26 new monsters is generated.
in one game, you might fight the Lebral, abbreviated L,
which is an ooze that damages weapons it's attacked with.
in the next , the L might be a golem with tons of HP that only takes
half damage from magic and ranged weapons.

here is the original release thread:

* Full Documentation Included
* Variable Game Length and Difficulty
* Set Perma-Death On or Off at Game Start
* Full Magic System
* Simple Controls and Interface
* Many Automatic Gameplay Features
* Online High Score Tracking
* Over 1 Million Possible Weapons!
* Over 10 Million Possible Monsters!
Randomly Approaching The Infinite Realms.


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Re: Random Realms , version 009c
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2013, 11:59:36 AM »
Congrats on the release!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Random Realms , version 009c
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 01:52:26 AM »
Just gave it a go. It's still great. I think the interface could be streamlined a tad, like you could have less keys by having a generic 'use/read/quaff/wield/wear' key. But that's a minor quibble.

This game does a lot of things right. Classic gameplay you expect from a roguelike but with super cool stuff like always being able to see your inventory on the right. A food stat instead of having to read about being hungry in the text. Procedural monsters. Different colored levels, not sure it matters to the game but I like the variety. Various different rooms shapes are neat.

You can set how long you want the game to be, and how hard. For example I just did a short easy run to see if I could kill the boss. I didn't. Died horribly!

This game has the only ID system I've ever truly enjoyed. As you level you get better at identifying the things in your inventory. So you can try to use them early if you want to learn by experimentation, or be patient until you figure out what you have. So it's a strategic choice rather than being all 'gamey' and fiddly like in many games.

The game starts quickly as well. You don't have to sit through a million screens trying to build a character so you can get to the game. It just asks you for your name, how long and how hard do you want it...:-)

I truly enjoy your game IBOL. Thanks for the new release.