Author Topic: Space in a roguelike  (Read 6427 times)


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Space in a roguelike
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:16:46 PM »
Hello rogues, ;)

the last time I started a new topic was in April 2012: Cars in a roguelike Where I tried to make controlling cars in a roguelike feel right.

I didn't succeed, so now I started over and put the whole game into the future where no cars will be used. For faster prototyping I am also using a different programming language now, although the final game will still be realised in C++!

Here's a really early prototype made in Stencyl (so it needs Flash):

arrow keys- walking (you might need to click into the window first)
space- skip turn
a- shooting mode (incomplete)
i- open inventory (incomplete)

I would like to get some feedback on this already, although I am not interested in bugs:

* What do you think of the look and feel?
* How do the general mechanics work for you?
* What do you expect from the game while playing it?

I know it's early but I think criticism can't be gathered soon enough!



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Re: Space in a roguelike
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2013, 11:10:06 PM »
* What do you think of the look and feel?

Pretty nice, feels like proper spaceship adventure. Movement could be less jerky. Maybe extend the movement animation if the player presses more movement keys during one so the character moves smoothly longer distances instead of starting and stopping.

* How do the general mechanics work for you?

Pretty basic so far, I didn't find anything to comment about except terribly underdeveloped controls which I'd work on next (mouse support, easier aiming by autoselecting a target instead of starting with the player position/cycling targets), though it's easy for me to say after I worked on those in my own roguelike very recently, 10 months after 1st release! ;)

* What do you expect from the game while playing it?

Zero-gravity action. Again, I might be biased by currently working on adding such to my own space roguelike!