Author Topic: NPPMoria 7.0.0 released  (Read 8634 times)


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NPPMoria 7.0.0 released
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:13:10 AM »
An updated version of the classic Moria roguelike game has been completed.  NPPMoria is a re-creation of David Grabner's UMoria 5.5.2.  By using the NPPAngband as a starting point and modifying the game from there, essentially UMoria 5.5.2 was re-created with about 20 years worth of UI improvements. For those not familiar with the Angband UI, this includes:

Current ports for Windows, MAC, and Linux OSs.
Color (much easier to notice Ancient Chromatic Dragons)
Targeting (no longer have to line up with a monster to cast a spell or fire an attow at it)
3 complete tilesets (8x8, 16x16, and 32x32)
Much more advanced monster AI
Mouse support (a player could play practically the entire game without touching a keyboard if they chose to)
Bigscreen mode (not limited to 80x24)
Multiple windows (can display information in separate windows such as the character screen, list of visible monsters, etc)
Detailed help files
An object squelch system
Much more legible source code, and edit files for most sets of game information (monster list, object list, player classes, races, etc)
Ability to choose from multiple fonts.
Ability to use macros
Dozens of minor improvements

NPPAngband and NPPMoria share the same cource code repository (99 % of the source code is be identical for both games). For anyone compiling themselves, the variable "game_mode" can be set to 1 to automatically play NPPAngband, 2 to play NPPMoria. If it is left at zero, the game starts with a menu prompting the player to choose between the two games).

People have already noted that, in UMoria they were called "Ancient Multi-Hued Dragons" instead of chromatic.  I  took the liberty of changing it back for my own nostalgic purposes.  I started Moria a little further back, on a unix version around '88. It was the actual Robert Alan Koeneke version playable on a VAX with a black market, medusas that stone the player, so one failed saving throw was insta-death in their presence, and the dungeon went down to 10000'. The actual balrog was at 10000', with "shadow-balrogs" before then. This was the version that you had to do the "grape-jelly trick" to max your hit points. I did not attempt to re-create that version (I believe the source for this version is long-lost, and was written in a different language), but I did keep "Chromatic", just for my own nostalgic purposes. I think it sounds so much better than Multi-hued. The only other feature of this game that I kept was that, unlike Umoria 5.5.2, priests and mages can have a 0% failure rate.

Aside from that, there are only a couple things different from Umoria. I did add one artifact from Angband (the phial), and one unique, Smeagol (I figure in LOTR they both went into the mines of Moria), and I have the NPP-style chests with only the best items in the game. Other than those and a couple other minor gameplay differences, this should be a pretty faithful re-creation and update of UMoria 5.5.2.

The links are:

Souce Code:

NPPAngband Moria Binary:

(MAC disc images coming soon. It can be quickly compiled for the mac using XCode, and at a command line typing: "make -f makefile.osx")

Github respository:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 12:15:58 AM by nppangband »


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Re: NPPMoria 7.0.0 released
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 09:04:24 AM »
This is very cool.


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Re: NPPMoria 7.0.0 released
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 03:20:19 PM »
There is now a NPPMoria competition going on at angband.oook.  Just started, has 18 days left.  The comp is with an elf ranger, with the tiebreaker being the winner who did so with the lowest level character possible. 

competition ladder

initial post:


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Re: NPPMoria 7.0.0 released
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2015, 02:13:15 AM »
This thread says that the disk image for Macs is coming soon, but I can't find the link for this...