Hi there I had a go at making a 7DRL called Spanner, in Unity but it well suffered from feature creep in a big way e.g. it's 3D.
Spanner was just going to be Dwarves in Space, but I had a few bits of code lying around so it grew and grew.
E.g. at the end of the 7 days my todo list still has 80 items that need working on.
OK I should provide a quick overview of what I have so far:
The game is made up of three sections at the moment (did I mention feature creep) none of which are complete yet.
1. You build your own ship in amazing 3D.

2. You fly your ship around the asteroid belt - in theory to fight enemy ships and visit asteroids.

3. You can exit your ship at an asteroid where you enter a 3D roguelike setting with enemies and loot.

I have been listening to rougelike radio and believe the roguelike community could be interested in a very rough but almost playable version of this game?
So should I try and get a very rough alpha version working to get your feedback and try and motivate me to work on the game further?
Spanner Alpha 0.01