Author Topic: Microgue (Updated 9/7)  (Read 75169 times)

Erik Temple

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Re: Microgue (Updated 9/7)
« Reply #90 on: October 06, 2013, 02:24:48 PM »
I like a lot of the new changes! I'm not sure that freeze should kill/decrement flames: I kind of liked that there were enemies that weren't affected by freeze. On the other hand, that behavior often meant that you couldn't take advantage of freeze at all (i.e. when a flame was next to a Yeti).

The fire room is definitely cool. Suggestions:
- Have variant layouts, so there isn't just one "fire room" to run across (I've only encountered it once, so I don't know if you've already done that.) Maybe combine with other traps?
- Increase the number of flame-resistant enemies in fire rooms. When I ran into it, it was too easy--the fire trap basically incinerated all the other enemies for me. Maybe when the trap hits a small flame it becomes an infernus?
- For test builds, it might be good to make it possible to encounter special rooms more easily. Maybe a key press?


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Re: Microgue (Updated 9/7)
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2014, 08:00:11 PM »
Well this has taken a bit of a side project stance. I am working with a creator named Julian Gollop on his new game a remake of the original Chaos game for the ZX spectrum. The new game is called Chaos Reborn. So this only gets a some side time during the week.

The biggest change is a after playing Hoplite I always wondered why the hero could never block with his shield. I also wanted to get some more tactical feeling with the movement into the game so I added a shield mechanic. Basically the player can block attacks coming from either the left or the right. they cant always block it works as a sort of mini health system. Its done a lot to mitigate the overall difficulty curve, which was really hard.

As for the game itself its currently a 10 floor Tower. The player heads up to the tenth floor to grab the treasure, and then returns to the bottom. The tenth floor is a dragons horde, so the dragon chases the player on the way out. Showing up after a few turns on each floor pushing the player to rush forward.

There is not much replayability at the moment. The game is not terribly different from one playthrough to the next so I have been thinking about that. I like the idea used in Roguelikes of overshooting your goal. So I have been thinking about how to incorporate that.


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Re: Microgue (Updated 9/7)
« Reply #92 on: March 12, 2014, 11:35:00 AM »
I don't see any link, where is the game? Julian made some legendary games. Good luck with Chaos.


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Re: Microgue (Updated 9/7)
« Reply #93 on: March 20, 2014, 07:31:15 PM »
did you mean a link to MicRogue or to the Chaos Reborn site?