I get the feeling we're stretching the same conversation over four threads, where it slowly lumbers forth, each time shedding its outer shell to turn into something new.
Also I'm not entirely sure I agree with the way everyone's casually flinging the term Skinner Box around.
A slot machine is a skinner box. Pachinko is a skinner box. Keyword being a repetitive action that 'rewards' the user.
I'm not decided whether I feel pinball is too complicated to be a skinner box or whether it's the ultimate skinner box

Modern games are flawed, for sure, but I don't think they work on the 'do something repetitive, get reward' model enough to be called skinner boxes.
ON THAT NOTE THOUGH, have these fffascinating articles from the wonderful (and slightly inaccesible) website Insert Credit! First off "ten games PONG is better than" in which a game over forty years old is compared and found to be better than ten games that came after it:
http://insertcredit.com/2012/11/14/ten-games-pong-is-better-than/Next up is "Who killed videogames? (a ghost story)" in which the author explains that he is in fact a shard of pure evil, and gives an amazing view into how the people who are in charge of actually supplying us with new videogames see them (and us, the gamers):
http://insertcredit.com/2011/09/22/who-killed-videogames-a-ghost-story/Also, you know, if you want to see a REAL skinner box :B
I think these articles are well worth it to read. If nothing else you'll be entertained.