Author Topic: How do I use NotEye?  (Read 14621 times)


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How do I use NotEye?
« on: June 15, 2013, 08:50:05 PM »
I'm sorry for this dumb question... but it's been like a week and I still haven't found out how to use it properly, I can load a game listed there but I can't change the view nor the graphics... please, help me.
I've searched everywhere for something like a tutorial... something that'd help me, but I found nothing, I do know the commands to open the NotEye menu, but it doesn't open it. :/
So, could someone explain me how to use it? I've no clue...   :-[  :(


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2013, 11:04:59 PM »
I'm sorry for this dumb question... but it's been like a week and I still haven't found out how to use it properly, I can load a game listed there but I can't change the view nor the graphics... please, help me.
I've searched everywhere for something like a tutorial... something that'd help me, but I found nothing, I do know the commands to open the NotEye menu, but it doesn't open it. :/
So, could someone explain me how to use it? I've no clue...   :-[  :(

Start noteye, choose your game from the menu. This part you've done already, correct?

Then, did you try all 3 menu commands? F4, CTRL-[, and CTRL-M. (CTRL-[ opened the game's menu, not noteye's menu, when I tried it with Hydra Slayer, but the other 2 worked.)

The menu should come up, where you can press M to change graphical mode. Good luck.


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 11:30:26 PM »
It works on Hydra Slayer but not with any other games.
Damn, it's really pissing me off, I don't know what's wrong, I think I've done everything correctly, but it always says "Unknown Command." :(  :'(
I'd really love to try some other perspectives and all, but this just ain't working. >_<

Also, thanks for answering, I'll keep trying.
If anyone knows what's wrong, please tell me.


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2013, 07:17:12 AM »
What game are you trying to run?

To run Brogue, it is the best to get the "all-in-one package" mentioned on NotEye's website. A bit outdated, but should work. It should run Brogue out of the box.

The current version of PRIME uses Noteye for its graphics, just download PRIME and run it.

For ADOM, I recommend waiting until the graphical version goes public :)

For DoomRL and other non-libtcod games, NotEye is supposed to give help when trying to run them: (assuming you are using Windows)
DoomRL not found.
Please download it and move the contents to the directory doomrl
in the NotEye directory.
Make sure that the executable is named doomrl\doomrl.exe or doomrl\doomrl.bat.
Alternatively, you can start it manually from the prompt below.
(for DoomRL, you also need to turn on the Console mode in DoomRL's config.lua)

Anything in particular that you do not understand?

Where do you see "Unknown command"?

If it is the menu key which does not work, are you sure that NotEye's window is active when you are trying to press it (and not the underlying console)?


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2013, 05:14:11 PM »
I've tried running ADOM and DoomRL with it and since it didn't work I didn't try others, except Hydra Slayer, and it works.

So, I guess I'll wait for the graphics of ADOM to go public then.
Aye, I already put DoomRL's folder on the NotEye's folder but I never turned the console ON, cause I don't know how to, I've opened the config.lua with Notepad and I don't understand it. :C
Also, I'll try PRIME, it seems good and I've been interested in it. :)

Also, about the "Unknown Command", I always open the NotEye menu and then click "d" to open DoomRL, in this case, and then when I'm playing it I press "F4" and it says on the game "Unknown Command" and then I try to press the 2 other commands and it says the same.

I always have the console of the game and NotEye's console open.
I don't really know what you mean, but I now tried to open NotEye's menu while playing the game and it still doesn't work.

Am I doing anything wrong? :(

Also, thanks for answering. :)


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 06:59:55 AM »
You should have something like this in DoomRL's config.lua:

-- Graphics mode. Can be CONSOLE for raw console, or TILES for graphical
-- tiles. Overriden by -graphics and -console command line parameters.
Graphics = "CONSOLE"

By default, it is Graphics = "TILES". Change to Graphics = "CONSOLE" in NotePad.

Maybe you could try sending a screenshot (preferably when tha game says "Unknown Command")?


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Re: How do I use NotEye?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 03:12:10 PM »
I changed that and it works! But I don't like the tiles in that syles.
But at least now I know it was something with DoomRL's config file. :D
I'm going to try other roguelikes now and I hope they work, if they don't, well, I give up. xD