That seems pretty complete for something done in just 7 days. Good job!
I have a few questions though...
Does poison last forever? I got bitten by a werewolf, and went from full health to low twice, and used life potions twice, and then went from full life to dead.
Also, why do enemies take their turns if the player doesn't move for a few seconds?
One recommendation I have is to speed up fights a little bit by increasing the damage output of both the player and enemies. Currently there are a lot of "you do 0 damage" "they hit you for 0 damage" "you hit for 1 damage" deals that kind of drag on. I never encountered any enemies that did enormous amounts of damage all at once, so you could probably double the damage output of everything without too severe of consequences.
Overall though, I'm impressed that at how much you got done in the time frame. The dungeon generation seems solid, items of all different kinds are implemented, and there are several enemy types, some of which have special abilities.
Thanks for checking it out, I dont know I would say its fairly complete for a 7drl there is stuff that didnt make it in and the game is really quite simple in itself and there is not much to the game mechanics.
poison lasts until you use a cure poison scroll/potion.
I have not released the post-compo version yet but some minor things have been fixed, ie: the abundance of messages have been cleaned up, there were way too many.
some magic stuff didnt make it in (ranged anything for example), the astar is too precise but I tried to make it so that astar monsters you first meet are not too powerful up (orcs), and I think the weapons need a slight boost in damage as its really balanced toward what you will find on a level vs the monsters. as for speeding up play by increasing damage.. wouldnt really work since the player is a mosnter, and monsters and players just have the same equipped items, so an orc with leather armour + longsword vs player with leather armour + longsword is a tossup... it comes down to the skills (which the 7drl release kinda hid but you can see them in the output log). So in this sense, increase the damage on longsword would allow quicker fights since it would be hitting above the armour level...
the camera is great (stuns monsters) but Im undecided if it takes too long to recharge or not.
The game is semi-realtime (steptime?) so yeah the monsters get a turn if you take too long... I prefer this over the infinite time between moves thing that traditional RL's implement. (if you play Cracks and Crevices its the same deal only difficulty level determines the time between the moves the monsters get).
The game also needs to drop more potions/scrolls of healing + cure poison as the game is way too hard.. especially the lower levels (I can 9 times out of 10 get down to about level 7 or 8 without cheating but it becomes way to hard, sometimes special level 6 can be a nightmare.... or running into the unique that you need to kill somewhere on levels 3-5 can be a reeally nasty if he spawns on level 3...)
It might look like a lot of work but its some very simple mechanics. Plus I've written enough roguelikes to have templated in my mind the basic ideas and how to code them. The dungeons are much like what underdark made, the step time ideas came from CnC, the mechanics are Fuzion based (stat+skill+1d20 or stat+skill vs DV) so every monster has skill levels.
There are things in the code that were never implemented (lightening resistance + lightning spells, ice, fire etc). I think poison + stun resistance are only whats currently used.. and since you asked if poison lasts forever I guess you never found a cure poison scroll or potion