Found this while looking for some Dungeon Master clone:

Couldn't pass the first room: some kind of blinking ghost killed me.
You can download it from here: that the game is real-time and turn based. You will understand if you try it. Basically, time is passing and computer gets its turns even when you are idle. But when you move or do some action, the computer will take its turns too.
For playing, you will need to use DosBox or Dosemu.
Next download an uncompress the .rar.
To actually play the game, you need to execute MORSETUP.EXE with DoSBox first.
Then you can play the game with MORABIS.EXE.
In fact, when you run MORSETUP.EXE a new character and dungeon will be created.
Some keybindings I managed to find:
ArrowKeys: move
I: inventory
L: look + direction
Q: quaff
E: enter a place. Probably to go downstairs
A: attack (in fact, using A+arrowkey is the only way to attack)
R: Read Scroll (R + inventory letter)
O: Open with key (actually it says 'you are short of keys', so it is supposed this will open something closed)
S: Search (probably traps & hidden doors)
D: drop (D + inventory letter)
G: get, pick up
Z: zap
C: rename object
V: turns on/off the sound
Shift+Q: save and quit
Shift+E: eat something (Shift+E plus inventory letter)
Shift+S: save game