Author Topic: KlingonRL Strategy  (Read 5866 times)


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KlingonRL Strategy
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:43:29 AM »
  Seems people are having trouble beating, or even playing, my 7DRL KlingonRL. Download it here if you want:

  Follow a few basic rules and you'll be winning about half the time, maybe 1/3 of the time...

1. Read the help file. Either the HTML that comes with the game, or press F1 for in game help. I recommend the HTML, it has better graphics and you can refer to it during the game pretty easy by flipping windows.

2. Try to leave every neutral system totally resupplied (all systems blue or green) and without any hostiles left. Decloak with 'c' to ferret out any pirates. Kill them. They are easy to kill from cloak and ammo is the easiest thing to get.

3. When you get the Genesis Device it will shut down your cloak. That's when the game spikes in difficulty. Since you cleared out all the systems on the way to the device it should be easier to run through them, refuel, and run out again BEFORE the Enterprise can catch you.

4. Do not fight the Federation if you can help it. Most Federation ships will just kill you. You can pop out of cloak and pop cruisers ('C') but the other ships will just annihilate you quick. It's a run and hide game not a fighting game.