Author Topic: Rodney - Review by Jo  (Read 8333 times)


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Rodney - Review by Jo
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:32:26 AM »

  The 2nd game of the 7DRL Competition 2013 that I've given a whirl is Rodney by Slashie.

  This is a pretty straight forward dungeon dive with classic mechanics. Very closely inspired by Rogue. Bump to attack, pick up loot, equip yourself.

  The major strategies seem to revolve around the decaying efficacy of the player's gear. Armor breaks down, weapons wear out. They slowly lose stats. So picking up new stuff, keeping spares and watching out for upgrades is key. The inventory is also limited, so choices must be made.

  Another major feature is a variety of special maneuvers. You choose new moves between levels. Charge, assault, that sort of thing. I've not probed the depths of these moves, but you can be assured that to beat the game you'll need to know how to use them to your advantage.

  For those looking for a nice classic crawl, this one is for you. It doesn't seem to have any game breaking bugs, has some nice choices to make about what to equip, what to carry and which special moves to choose and use. Also the learning curve doesn't seem so steep. If you've ever played a roguelike you know exactly how to play this game.

  Kudos Slashie.


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Re: Rodney - Review by Jo
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 10:51:28 PM »
Glad you liked it! I was aiming just for that, a fun, very accesible classic roguelike with an additional system (techniques).

Hope other people find it fun.