EDIT: This thing (and another project I have on the backburner) has a blog now!
http://joerldev.blogspot.com/Apologies to anyone else named Joe who wants to blog about trying to make roguelikes.
Dungeon-Themed Starvation Simulator is updated! (Expect future updates Soon
Get the python (2.7.3) version here:
http://www.fileswap.com/dl/6udrczIhFN/Get the .exe version here:
New release has new features like full-color lighting, streamlined controls, and more fiendish multi-tile traps! Also, cockatrices. Watch out for those.
Some of the traps in action:

Dungeon-Themed Starvation Simulator is finished as of last night!
Get the python (2.7.3) version here:
http://www.fileswap.com/dl/V0kgNHyDN/ Get the .exe version here:
http://www.fileswap.com/dl/lDsrX5Dowh/In case it matters, the python version was completed during the challenge period, and the .exe version was compiled from the 7DRL release after my 7-day period was over and I had a good night's sleep

Have fun! Please let me know in the thread if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports!