Author Topic: Liberation of Yarna (7DRL 2013)  (Read 5902 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Liberation of Yarna (7DRL 2013)
« on: March 17, 2013, 10:29:29 AM »
Hello all, this my second official 7DRL (and fourth if count OoC).

Or, unless you care about strict following the rules, you should get "7drl+12h" version with two bugs fixed:

    This year i decided to don't learn new language at this challeng but instead try to implement relatively complex idea. So I used Ruby language, UI system from another my project and BearLib as a "libtcod-killer". The goal was to make roguelike in a city with "living" citizens, playing as a saboreur.

    The plot is roughly based on sci-fi novels about Sagon Wars. But I'm definitely not ready to create game about this universe as this is my favorite novels. So i favoured gameplay and simplicity of realization over recreating athmosphere or following the spirit of books.

    You are an agent, sent to different cities of planet Yarna with a mission to cause maximum damage before full scale invasion. You must bomb bioweapon factories, kill v.i.p., set up listening devices and do other espionage actions. Well, i have implemented only factories, but also added missions to kill knastors (members of jedi-like order).

    Due to limited time frame i replaced 'concept of many missions in one generated city' to concept 'each mission in a new generated city' that is less fun, but was much easier to implement. Many features remains unimplemented, and others does not works as intended - enemies can do everyday things relatively good (but i don't think player can see it), but their reaction to player crimes is pretty stupid.
   Also, today i dicovered two serious bugs in 7drl version (mission with knastors is unwinnable and regeneration don't starts if player didn't have proteins atm of wound, but got them later). They are fixed in 7drl+12h version, but this is of cource out of challenge already.