Author Topic: 7DRL Success: Rogue City Scavenger  (Read 4791 times)


  • Rogueliker
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7DRL Success: Rogue City Scavenger
« on: March 17, 2013, 07:07:49 AM »

Download and Screenshots Here!

In a violent city under siege by a deadly sickness, you are a stranded CDC agent fighting to find the source before its too late. Explore an open city looking to repair the portal into the quarantine zone, and from there figure out what caused all this madness. Many factions want you dead - The plant-like infected, the authoritative Cyan Security police force, the iron fisted Redbolt electric company, and the many roaming gangs. Worst of them all - an enormous invulnerable monster tracking your every step!


Hello everyone, this is my 6th successful 7 day roguelike. I used  the same base engine as I have the last two years, and many of the same art assets, although I spend a considerable amount of time creating new graphics.

This time round has probably been the most work I've ever done in such a short period. I mentioned on Roguelike Radio that I was concerned that my scope increases would eventually get the better of me - This year I very nearly didn't finish despite 13 hour work days, but thanks to a 32 hour marathon at the end, I squeezed it out at the last minute... The sheer number of non-interactable assets is phenomenal  and though it was a ton of work I think the end product looks amazing. I had some neat code which displays a random image for a map object based on the hash of the tile. This means that even though there are a whole bunch of different looking graffiti / trashcans / whatever, there is often only one object behind it all, and that definitely streamlined getting all the assets in. I think in preparation for next year I will be sure to try to streamline many more map generation processes in my engine so that there are even fewer bottle necks between drawing an image and getting it into the game as scenery.

One difference from last year is that I am no longer using Slick for graphics, having upgraded to LibGDX. In previous years, there were a lot of people who couldn't get the game to run because of OpenGL problems. Many of these problems I believe stem not only from some of Slicks poor use, but also from crappy drivers that don't work well with OpenGL 2.0... I am no longer using 2.0 (losing FBO's was a pain but I worked though it) so a lot more people should be able to run the game this year.

 So don your gas masks and prepare to enter the quarantine zone! I hope everyone enjoys this game as much as I enjoyed making it!