Author Topic: Rasatala 7DRL  (Read 9687 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Rasatala 7DRL
« on: March 16, 2013, 06:22:29 AM »
This my 3rd 7DRL and I managed to finish this one with about 20 hours to spare.

In a nutshell, it's a coffee break roguelike with a Hindu mysticism theme and with player and monster facing being critical to gameplay. There's no natural healing by way of rest so you've got to interact with certain agents within the dungeon for healing and really pick and choose your fights. There's four different character classes who should all play very differently and realistically be of different challenge levels as well.

"The mysterious jungles of Zardula conceal the corrupted caverns of Rasatala. For centuries the reviled ruins have been shunned by travellers despite tales of some of South Asia's most valuable treasures being lost within. Rumours of twisted snake-men, cruel tiger spirits and insane cultists abound. Those who enter are often driven by greed or a desire to cleanse an ancient evil - perhaps a combination of both. No matter their motivation, none who enter have ever been seen again."

I'd love to hear your feedback about how it plays. You lose a bit of perspective when you're playtesting your own game after a busy week, not to mention playtesting for bug fixing purposes instead of looking for a good time, so it'd be great to hear someone else's view.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 10:13:10 PM »
Bugfix version released (and I'm still within the 7 days so it's even legit changes) to fix a couple of minor things, one of which caused a crash which was annoying.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 07:17:08 PM »
I chose to play my first game as Bhima the kshatriya. Some person named sevak (no capital S; is this a title or a proper name?) was there, but just wandered around as I killed my first few cultists head on. Hearing "the sounds of fighting", I turn a corner only to see a naga standing over sevak's corpse. It's clever how you display the enemies' facing with colour. It was very suspenseful to hide behind a corner hoping to flank attack the naga. Sadly, my strategy didn't work, and I proceeded to join sevak on the floor. My next guy, Jagganath the shikari, lasted a bit longer, but was finally clawed down by a tiger in a doorway. It seems wiser to rely more on stealth (close the door right on the tiger's snout, and explore elsewhere first). I'll have to try it out a bit more to get the proper feel, but some first impressions, at least ...

Setting: Yes, love it! My attention was already caught with "that Islamic Roguelike", and I heartfully approve of this, as well :) The execution is schematic, without feeling too exotistic, and the ingame dictionary is a boon. For a larger scale game with a greater amount of obscure terms, I think giving items extended descriptions would work. I haven't yet played as a brahmin or indeed seen much of the game, but looking forward to it.

"x" command: Now I have to choose a coordinate and press Enter to see what's at that point. In many (most?) RLs, when you move the Look-cursor, a message describing what you're currently pointing at, scrolls in the message area (optionally, press Enter for an extended description). This traditional approach I find less bulky. If you want to further develop the game, I'd also root for some kind of autotargeting for missiles (even if just remembering your previous target).

Numpad: I'm on a laptop, so relying on the numpad is a slight hassle. Vi keys are good to have implemented, but not my personal favourite. I find accessing diagonals with the regular 1-9 keys surprisingly comfortable in eg. ADOM. There's also some who allow Shift+arrow key to rotate the direction 45°.

Explicit facing: This is always difficult to get right, but I have an inclination for games with this feature. The big problem is that moving around takes more key strokes than what feels "economical". Turning takes no game time. I don't know how I feel about that – it leaves you pressing even more redundant keys to orient yourself, for one thing. If it would cost a (half/whole) turn to rotate, you'd be less inclined to waste a key stroke. That would also mean that attacking from behind would be even more of an advantage, for good or bad.

It may be that explicit facing and the tight tactical playstyle that follows, is better for a rather more unicursal dungeon, where you rely less on exploration and try to get straight to the nitty-gritty of tactical encounters. Though you'd need pygame installed, you might find a slight interest in a tiny game/test I made, where I think it works ok with explicit facing on a hex grid [sic], though the levels are extremely simplistic.

Anyway, I came for the setting, like a fly to the honey pot, and I'll definitely give it a few more tries to see what might still be hidden in the dungeons of Rasatala.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 08:05:42 PM »
More notes:

I'm running it in Wine, since I can't get python to work with it. Probably I just need libtcod, or something?

The game is very responsive to key presses. Sometimes a menu (that's dismissed by any keystroke) just flashes over the screen, because I'm not releasing the last keypress quickly enough. This happened the first time I met a swami, so I'm not quite sure what to do next. Love the personality of my paharedar, though. What a douche, lol.

Allow pick up with , would be a good standard to implement, I think.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 08:52:40 PM »
that's fantastic feedback, thank you very much for the detailed response. Sounds like you're enjoying the game which is awesome.

Those notes re: interface are hugely valuable, I'll have a crack at implementing those things. Just so you know though, there is already auto targeting for ranged attacks done through the capital 'F' which will shoot the nearest hostile monster.

That's a bit of a bug with the menus flashing by quickly and it flows on from a problem with that version of libtcod unfortunately. An easy way to fix it would be to make the message require you to press 'esc' to move on, but that was something which didn't occur to me until after the seven days was up.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 05:56:17 PM »
I've had the same issue with the swami dude's messages disappearing before I can read them.

Does this game have a properly implemented ending?  I killed the demon on floor 5 and it said that I could feel the evil spirits fleeing or something like that, but the game kept going.  I couldn't find a set of stairs leading deeper down an NPC to talk to or anything.  I backtracked back to the entrance, but it wouldn't let me leave.

I like your character improvement system.  Objective-based stuff like this is almost always better than the standard grind enemies to get exp system.  The line of sight stuff is cool too.  Much better than traditional RPG stealth, and it's a great fit for a game about avoiding dangerous enemies.

I don't think the backstab system works terribly well, though.  Landing a hit from behind feels more like busywork than a matter of skill or luck.  With enough pillars and corners you should be able to land a backstab on every hit, but doing so gets tedious in a hurry.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 08:49:36 PM »
that's the end of the game alright, it lets you keep going if you want but that's basically it. How did you find it in terms of difficulty getting to the end? It's hard for me to judge whether its too hard or too easy and I know I can win it quite quickly by playing a shikari for instance and getting lucky with arrows and flasks of oil and pretty much diving straight to the end.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 08:52:06 PM »
I think I'll knock out a bug fix version today with the swami message fixed and with the game ending properly, that does seen fairly annoying now that I think about it but it wasn't really a priority in competition


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2013, 10:49:05 PM »
At first I thought it was insanely hard to the point of being mostly luck, but then I started avoiding enemies instead of fighting everything, and it became much more reasonable.  I'd say the difficulty level seems pretty good - you will almost certainly die if you fight everything, but it's also possible to avoid combat most of the time.

Arrows are extremely powerful, and I think the game's difficulty would change by a lot if you had good or bad luck with them.  I took most of the final boss's health down by spamming arrows and then breaking LOS when it got too close.  I was playing as a Kshatriya, by the way.  The fighter dudes.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2013, 10:17:38 PM »
And it's only taken me the better part of 6 or 7 months, but the issue with the messages disappearing before you can read them should be fixed which should also fix problems with the inventory and other screens.


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Re: Rasatala 7DRL
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2013, 01:12:39 AM »
Nice necro. This is a solid game.