Author Topic: SewerJacks 0.8.7c  (Read 9314 times)


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SewerJacks 0.8.7c
« on: December 18, 2008, 08:04:30 AM »
Welcome to Sewerjacks! The game that mixes fantasy football with a roguelike.  Based on Bloodbowl LRB5.

This release is getting it closer to a more polished game.  Many thanks to all for the great feedback.
Keep it up.

Major new features.
- 13 different starting classes from 7 races, including Wood Elves, Wizard and Apothecary + unlock more!
- Selectable menus (keyboard).
- 4 new skills and 4 new items.
- Customise your ally's name, skills and upgrades.
- Throwing has become deadlier.
- Frenzy now lives upto its name.
- see complete change log below

Homepage -
Screen Shots -

Win32 binaries only. Linux users can use WINE.

I would love some new title art for the starting screen or other screens.

Merry Christmas.


ADD: Limited mouse support for movement
ADD: Selection menus now have highlighted selection (arrow keys and enter)
ADD: You now manually choose upgrades for allies when they level up.
ADD: Sprint        (Agility skill), bonus speed to standard move action
ADD: Bone Head     (Extraordinary skill) and added to orges
ADD: Hypnotic Gaze (Extraordinary skill)
ADD: Blood Lust    (Extraordinary skill)
ADD: Added Vampires and Lizardman races to random generator
ADD: Wood Elf level
ADD: Shows list of chosen character upgrades upon death
ADD: Added and improved content to Manual
ADD: Added 4 new items (1 powerup, 2 armour, 1 item).
ADD: Added 1 new Halfling Class: Master Chef.

MOD: Strong Arm now acts like a Mighty Blow when throwing. (Plus the usual +1 to hit) -cfrank
MOD: Space, Page up and Page down now have a larger effect on scrolling text sceens.
MOD: Treeman allies now do not produce an infinite amount of halflings.
MOD: Really Stupid test now is effected by visible allies not just ones adjacent.
MOD: Tiles: All chainsaw wielders now carry the same looking device
MOD: Change to explosion animation.
MOD: Claws now only work if attacker is not holding a weapon.
MOD: A player can now counter an attack only when not stunned otherwise the attacker fumbles the attack.
MOD: Doubled regeneration powerup time
MOD: Smarter block dice results from unmatched strength.
MOD: Two Heads and Extra Arms are now treated as Extraordinary skills due to their minimal effect on gameplay
MOD: AI controlled players will now actively use the Grab skill.
MOD: SDL Event queue flushed after key down processed (clear events after coded delays).
MOD: Greater player ghost chance per level
MOD: Slightly better chance of going in the right direction with a ball and chain
BUG: Manual stated that claws rolled against 8 armour, but is actually 7
BUG: A horned blitzing monster now actually applies the strength bonus so look out.
BUG: Manual stated that horns applied +1 ST when blitzing and attaking but is actually x2 ST
BUG: Side Step is now added to upgrade menu and works correctly
BUG: Mighty Blow still worked for all injury rolls not just block attacks
BUG: Claws are now only effective on a block attack and not when using a weapon
BUG: Wizards and Strong Armers should now use their ranged attack when guarding.
BUG: Frenzy attack speed was too slow!
BUG: Guarding monsters wandered around when they had a ranged attack and did not use it
BUG: Stabbing monsters (AI controlled) got a free attack round.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 02:24:25 AM by corremn »
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: SewerJacks 0.8.7c
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2008, 02:58:49 AM »
YES YES YEEESSS! Such awesome work advancing the game that much farther along.  Thanks so much for continuing to polish this until, I hope, the vibrant shine it produces blots out the sun itself.   8)

Edit:  Any ETA on the Win32 download?  Still pointing to the older .b version.   Don't forget to update the website since it still thinks it is October.   ;)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 02:07:38 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: SewerJacks 0.8.7c
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 02:22:47 AM »
The sun is safe me thinks, thanks for pointing out my mistakes.
.c is up, and hopefully will be on all the main downloads now, I hate sourceforge sometimes.

I probably wont be working on this for a while, I need a break, time to work on my next project.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: SewerJacks 0.8.7c
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 02:37:01 AM »
Thanks for the fix!  By all means, you've surely earned some respite from this project to unwind and till your other fields as the seasons dictate.  Here's hoping all the best for your next project meanwhile----be sure and keep us all posted.   ;D
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training