Author Topic: LambdaRogue 1.3 released  (Read 8125 times)


  • Rogueliker
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    • LambdaRogue .:. roguelike RPG
LambdaRogue 1.3 released
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:53:50 AM »
I have released an update of the LambdaRogue roguelike. Currently only Windows binaries (installer as well as zip-archive) and the source are available. The linux version will follow within the next days.

This version introduces some features which make the gameplay more interesting, although most things are known from other roguelikes:

* find your way through dark rooms where nothing is visible
* beware of spider webs which entrap you as well as monsters
* search for hidden doors
* sit down on stools to regain PP
* use bookshelves to study and train your skills when no academy is in sight
* destroy barrels to reveal items
* if you're a thief, steal money from NPCs or items from traders

Please note that the total attack value is now your Fight-skill plus your current weapon's WP. If your related weapon-skill is lower than your weapon's WP, the difference is subtracted from the total attack value.

This change has been introduced to make the different weapon skills more useful. Formerly you could just spend lots of skill points to your Fight-skill, ignoring the weapon-skills, and still perform well. Now you have to train your weapon-skills if you want to use a weapon as efficiently as possible.

Besides these changes, there have been numerous (and some major) bugs fixed, among them are:

* you can now quit and save the game when your character is paralyzed
* quests which were broken in LambdaRogue 1.2 can now be solved again
* non-working items should be fixed now
* ammunition is always visible again

Finally, thanks to rayres, corremn, stu and radio_babylon for hints on the battle system, in r.g.r.misc and in comments in the LambdaRogue blog.
-- LR: The Book of Stars graphical roguelike RPG


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Re: LambdaRogue 1.3 released
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 03:47:06 PM »
Congratulations on this update and best fortune on the December update in the works.  I can't wait to see the level of depth and polish that this project will gain in the long haul---or even just in December!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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