Here is a first pass look at the game.
I would say it is in the "in desperate need of a better interface" stage of development

The mouse is there, but various actions it should have do not appear to exist, such as opening the inventory, picking up items directly from the list of things on the ground, etc.
There should be simple one-line descriptions of all the things in character creation right on the screen for me to see. Why do I need to open a help document just to know that this thing affects stats x,y,z?
The inventory uses the terrible, tedious design of the old days where it takes 3 steps to find out that the mace I found is useless and shouldn't have even been picked up in the first place.
Escape should open a menu with various submenus, such as the inventory, help, and options (at least when there is nothing to "cancel" as it currently is used).
Why is there a confirmation on equip? I had to press i -> d -> e to equip it and now I have to also press y?
The game is missing any kind of explanation as to what it is. Who am I? Where am I? Is there a goal, or do I just wander? Is the cave I found a self-contained game or is it just a random piece of the pie?
In the cave I found, the first floor had windshield enemies, but the second was more dangerous, with absolute hoards of enemies that could attack from farther than I could see. It seemed to have everything I would expect in a classic roguelike in terms of the loot and the foes, so that's good if that's what you are emulating

Personally, I found the inventory very tedious so I didn't feel particularly compelled to continue onward (I also don't have the time currently).
Anyway, I think the game is fun, but the interface needs work!There was a bug on the title screen: on returning from the help menu the top line of the help menu was partially covering the title background.
A side note, the game takes a while before graphics actually appear (win7-64bit). If this is due to loading you should initialize graphics before doing anything else, then display a loading screen. I was going for the ctrl-alt-del end-process when the window finally popped open.