Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 536148 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #390 on: June 02, 2013, 07:47:53 AM »
So I chased a thief who stole my ankh, he went into the store, I killed him.

I had to repurchase my ankh... I'd previously encountered the Skeletons dying in the shop, but I didn't think it was finders keepers!

Is this a new thing? bug?


This only happens if you kill the thief when he is standing on another item in the store -- including gold you made him drop earlier.  If you kill him on an empty store tile, you get your ankh (or whatever he stole) back for free.  Thus I think it is a bug.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #391 on: June 02, 2013, 11:24:03 AM »
Indeed, resetting levels won't spawn more upgrade scrolls or Strength Potions. It just "dries up" the "reserve" for the zone you are visiting, which somehow seems to be predetermined. I still managed to get almost every single ring and wand this way - if you managed to beat Goo without wasting upgrades on items, you can keep repeating it to get a +1/+2 item of your liking which you will then proceed to upgrade.

Anyway, I finally beat the game with a Mage as well, completing all three classes. My problem with it is, I played it like I would play any other class, and there is no significant difference between the two classes - the magic missile wand really helps only in the first few levels as damage scales horribly and there's no point wasting upgrade scrolls on it.

The only wand that really makes a difference is the Slowness one (and perhaps Blink), but nothing beats Plate Armor and a properly upgraded tier 4-5 weapon. Period.
Also, Paralytic Gas potion + Poison Cloud potion = dead boss, always. I killed the Dwarf King this way for giggles, and I had fun inflicting every possible negative status on him while watching his HP draining from afar :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #392 on: June 02, 2013, 11:09:42 PM »

I just lost the Vampiric enchantment on my +3 war hammer reforging my short sword.  I wondered if that would happen, so I tried that.  I think it would be more fun if reforging worked like a scroll of weapon upgrade (which I would also rename to a sword of weapon enchantment) instead of a plain scroll of upgrade.  You can only do it once, after all, so the potential for abuse seems limited.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #393 on: June 02, 2013, 11:29:28 PM »
I just lost the Vampiric enchantment on my +3 war hammer reforging my short sword.  I wondered if that would happen, so I tried that.  I think it would be more fun if reforging worked like a scroll of weapon upgrade (which I would also rename to a sword of weapon enchantment) instead of a plain scroll of upgrade.  You can only do it once, after all, so the potential for abuse seems limited.
I like that idea a lot, but there are 2 problems:
1: it makes Warrior even MORE powerful compared to the other classes
2: Since the original short sword is NOT enchanted, it seems a bit out of place.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #394 on: June 03, 2013, 07:11:07 AM »
Well, the mage could have the reforging the wand of magic missiles work the same way.  The rogue gets shortchanged, but that could be addressed by giving him an item he could also reforge.

Currently, I think that reforging is a bad idea.  The only benefit I can see is that having an item that you can reforge allows you to read your scrolls before you have an item you would like to upgrade.  You can save an upgrade in your sword/wand until the plate armour, glaive, etc. comes along.  I don't find a +1 shortsword or a +1 wand of magic missiles all that useful to have in themselves, and when you reforge them you lose the weapon.  Even if all you do is sell the weapons for cash -- early on in the game when money still matters -- that is better than just destroying them.

But a reforging that would let you take an already enchanted weapon beyond +3 to +4 -- that I would find worthwhile.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #395 on: June 03, 2013, 09:50:20 AM »
Well, the mage could have the reforging the wand of magic missiles work the same way.
No, because reforging the wand only works on other wands, not weapons. 

Even if all you do is sell the weapons for cash -- early on in the game when money still matters
If you ask me, money matters all throughout the game, but it's true that the small amount of money you get for a shortsword or magic missile wand becomes pointless past the level 6 shop. 


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #396 on: June 03, 2013, 10:45:46 AM »
Statues with Grim weapons:
fought one with a Grim Knuckleduster, it did crappy damage, until Grim activated, then I died right away, so it does work against players. 

On a side note, I think Grim just does a large amount of damage, it's not specifically an "instant kill".  I have had it activate against a monster, and they are still alive.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #397 on: June 03, 2013, 04:14:16 PM »
Bug found: Tengu can throw his shuriken pass through the magic sheep.
Like 'haha! you can`t hit me now... ouch, ouch, ouch.'


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #398 on: June 04, 2013, 10:45:02 AM »
Indeed, resetting levels won't spawn more upgrade scrolls or Strength Potions. It just "dries up" the "reserve" for the zone you are visiting, which somehow seems to be predetermined. I still managed to get almost every single ring and wand this way - if you managed to beat Goo without wasting upgrades on items, you can keep repeating it to get a +1/+2 item of your liking which you will then proceed to upgrade.

Anyway, I finally beat the game with a Mage as well, completing all three classes. My problem with it is, I played it like I would play any other class, and there is no significant difference between the two classes - the magic missile wand really helps only in the first few levels as damage scales horribly and there's no point wasting upgrade scrolls on it.

The only wand that really makes a difference is the Slowness one (and perhaps Blink), but nothing beats Plate Armor and a properly upgraded tier 4-5 weapon. Period.
Also, Paralytic Gas potion + Poison Cloud potion = dead boss, always. I killed the Dwarf King this way for giggles, and I had fun inflicting every possible negative status on him while watching his HP draining from afar :)

I did same thing with Dwarf boss ;)
Congratz for mage success,I still cant beat it,mage is just,pain.
And I did the thing with Arch and I did get more str potions and upgrade scrolls! :D


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #399 on: June 04, 2013, 03:40:34 PM »
Another bug.

Explanation: 5x7 room, with grass in the top left corner (3 squares) and the door in the top left corner (left wall).
one sleeping enemy (red dot) in near the bottom right corner, and my character (warrior, blue dot)

I shot firebolt wand against enemy and and the enemy set fire... AND all the grass and door set fire too!! fortunately, in my next turn step to the grass free square and save my scrolls from fire, but i think this was a bug
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 03:45:33 PM by Veldrin »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #400 on: June 04, 2013, 06:24:16 PM »
Another bug.

Explanation: 5x7 room, with grass in the top left corner (3 squares) and the door in the top left corner (left wall).
one sleeping enemy (red dot) in near the bottom right corner, and my character (warrior, blue dot)

I shot firebolt wand against enemy and and the enemy set fire... AND all the grass and door set fire too!! fortunately, in my next turn step to the grass free square and save my scrolls from fire, but i think this was a bug

Its not a bug,be carefull with firebolt wand ;)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #401 on: June 05, 2013, 02:11:24 AM »
So I just accidentally set a Garden Room on fire and trapped myself inside while messing around. Trying to be smart, I proceeded to drop 6 scrolls of upgrade and 3 scrolls of magic mapping so that they wouldn't burn up when I eventually caught fire.

Apparently, scrolls on burning tiles are destroyed instantly and with 100% certainty.

I hate myself.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #402 on: June 05, 2013, 02:26:50 AM »
So I chased a thief who stole my ankh, he went into the store, I killed him.

I had to repurchase my ankh... I'd previously encountered the Skeletons dying in the shop, but I didn't think it was finders keepers!

Is this a new thing? bug?


This only happens if you kill the thief when he is standing on another item in the store -- including gold you made him drop earlier.  If you kill him on an empty store tile, you get your ankh (or whatever he stole) back for free.  Thus I think it is a bug.

I'd actually asked about this in an email back in March. Watabou's reply follows:

"It is not really a bug, it is rather a predictable glitch :). Not all items dropped in a store turn into this store's property, only dropped over existing goods. All items on the floor are stored in "heaps" and each heap is marked as "regular" or "for sale", when an item is dropped at the cell with other items, this item is added to the existing heap and this heap doesn't change its type. Chests are also heaps of special type, that's why you can put an item into a locked chest :)"

Watabou, I'd sent you a couple of emails recently, but perhaps it would be better for me to just post my questions/suggestions here:

1. If you are fighting a boss and teleport him away using a wand, could he end up in a place you can't reach? E.g., could you accidentally teleport the Tengu outside the locked room?

2. The HP bars are only showing up when we click on the "spotted enemy" tab. Could we have an option to have bars on by default?

3. When using a vampiric weapon, would it be possible for your life steal amount to appear over your head in green? The healing animation is nice and all but I'd really rather know how much healing I just received.

4. It seems that when farming flies, you eventually stop getting potions. Or is this just my imagination? Herbrand a few posts up seems to suggest that this is because there is a certain fixed number of items that "belong" to a level. Is that the case?

5. After you use a piece of equipment long enough, you identify it for free. Could the same be done for wands too?

6. How about when you gain XP (even if it's 0 XP), the amount you gain is displayed either in the scrolling text or as a pop up on the XP bar?

7. Any chance of getting a log book for reading the status messages that scroll by too quickly?

8. I find I check the catalogus a lot: any chance of getting separate buttons for the scrolls and potions sections somewhere on the screen? If a log book is put in, that could be a third button.

9. An alternative to #8 is to make the menu hardware key open the character sheet, the catalogus, and/or the log book. Currently, it opens the inventory... but the inventory button is just next to it anyway.

10. I don't know if this is possible, but maybe the menu key could toggle through the character sheet and catalogus pages? So hit it once and you get the first page. Hit it again for the second page. Then touch the screen to close the page. The next time you press the menu key, you start at the *second* page because that's the last page you viewed.

11. The Rogue as an assassin: Perhaps  the rogue could do extra damage when he attacks a monster that is not aware of his presence? It would make his Ring of Shadows more valuable, and would also complement his proficiency with ranged attacks.

12. Catalogus: How about adding the list of unidentified scrolls and potions to the catalogus too? This way, it's easier to calculate the chance of an unknown potion being dangerous to drink, for instance.

Thanks once again, Watabou. :)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 02:28:08 PM by eastpaw »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #403 on: June 05, 2013, 07:32:32 AM »
On level 5  you get a message 'a mysterious force prvents you from teleporting' when you try to use the wand of teleportation on the Goo, or try to read a scroll of teleportation yourself.  I assume it is the same for the other boss rooms, but I haven't tested this.

I've never had the healing potions run out when farming flies.  What I have had 'run out' is strength potions when repeatedly recreating level 6 by suiciding there. How many potions did you have when you thought it ran out?  The other day, when I badly wanted a well of transformation to test a theory I had, I got up to 35 healing potions in my backpack before I was finally able to make a level that had one.  This doesn't count all the ones I used up along the way -- including having already gone down the complete depth of the dungeon and killed the Dwarf King --  so if the number of potions is llimited, the number seems to be quite large.

I too would like a direct button for the catalogus. seeing as we have 2 inventory buttons now.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 07:35:26 AM by gravling »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #404 on: June 05, 2013, 08:02:01 AM »
So I just accidentally set a Garden Room on fire and trapped myself inside while messing around. Trying to be smart, I proceeded to drop 6 scrolls of upgrade and 3 scrolls of magic mapping so that they wouldn't burn up when I eventually caught fire.

Apparently, scrolls on burning tiles are destroyed instantly and with 100% certainty.

I hate myself.

Been there, done that - it really hurts, doesn't it? :(