The new searching graphic is very nice. So is the 'resume journey' button.
I am wondering if we could improve the resume functionality, though. Right now it works great if what has interrupted you is noticing a trap, but when what has interrupted you is a fight you lose the destination, as it gets
reset to things like 'just behind the door you intend to slam on this opponent' and the like. I think the 'resume journey' button would work better if it only reset when you selected a destination that was X squares away. Anything less that that would not clear the existing journey. This would also be good for those -- travel to the stairs down, ooops, there is a pile of gold in that room, must have killed a Gnoll scout and was too busy to pick it up, let us pick it up now and then continue to the exit -- experiences.
I am not sure what number would be good for X -- it is the sort of thing you playtest for.
My gut says '8 squares' but it's been wrong before about such things. My gut is now saying '6 squares', for what it's worth.