Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 576128 times)


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Pixel Dungeon 0.2.4
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2013, 11:49:33 AM »
Pixel Dungeon 0.2.4 released. This update is dedicated to UI improvements. Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
  • Added: Confirmation dialog is displayed when trying to drink an identified harmful potion
  • Added: Orientation switcher on the main screen for devices with a large enough screen
  • Added: Loot indicator is displayed when there is an item on the ground at the current location of player
  • Added: Quickslot auto-targeting
  • Changed: "Monsters from the depth" tend to be less powerful
  • Changed: Well of Light removes curse from equipped items
  • Fixed: Several bugs incl. severe ones
and more...

If everything will be ok, then the next update will contain a bunch of new levels with new monsters :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2013, 03:41:08 PM »
Just downloaded it this morning and played a few rounds, definitely a bit difficult, always nice. First game I lucked out with my first potion fully healing me, but never found any food. Other animals just kind of ate me. Second game I apparently drank gasoline, because I burst into flames. After that, I got chopped up by a crab :P

My only comment is that the game could use a simple guide, similar to most flash games. A page or two describing what things are, and how to deal with them, such as needing iron keys for doors, gold keys for chests, how to get rid of tall grass, etc. It's not too hard to figure out things for people used to roguelikes, but seeing how its on Google Play, might help you keep more users ;) Great little time waster when I need it though, right after downloading it I ended up getting to school before any of the teachers, and had to stand outside for about 20 minutes, giving me time to try it out.

EDIT: After playing some more, I must congratulate you on making my favourite item in any roguelike, I believe it was called the "Wand of Herding". Fear my fluffy meat shields.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 02:10:46 AM by Nymphaea »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #62 on: February 06, 2013, 10:14:43 AM »
a slime pumped up and 1 shot kills me. 19 points of damage...
You are supposed to step back when it's pumping up  :)

that much is obvious. i always back up as soon as it starts to pump up. didnt have time to for whatever reason. i was at least one space away at the time, but that didnt help.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #63 on: February 06, 2013, 10:18:08 AM »
Just downloaded it this morning and played a few rounds, definitely a bit difficult, always nice. First game I lucked out with my first potion fully healing me, but never found any food. Other animals just kind of ate me. Second game I apparently drank gasoline, because I burst into flames.
Thank you!
There is at least one piece of food on each level, sometimes more.
It makes sense to try unidentified potions standing in the water, if you haven't encountered Potions of Liquid Flame before :)

My only comment is that the game could use a simple guide, similar to most flash games. A page or two describing what things are, and how to deal with them, such as needing iron keys for doors, gold keys for chests, how to get rid of tall grass, etc. It's not too hard to figure out things for people used to roguelikes, but seeing how its on Google Play, might help you keep more users ;)
I agree, but I don't know how to implement it the best way, that's why I keep postponing this task :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #64 on: February 06, 2013, 11:57:01 AM »
Woo! I won!
After so many attempts of never getting past like level 3, I got a character who got past that level and made it all the way to the end last night. Couldn't be stopped.

I found some leather armor at the start and a strength potion so that I could wear it, and just enchanted that and the knuckleduster.
It seems like the penalties are so severe for the higher strength weapons and armor, and you'd need so many potions of strength to wear them, that it's just not worth waiting. Essentially, if it doesn't show up in level 1/2, it's too late.

The shopkeeper was cool to see though he basically had crap, and so was the alternate tileset. I think the tiles should start to vary sooner so that you don't get bored while you grind your face against the first couple levels.

Looking forward to updates!


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2013, 01:33:10 PM »

Just registerd to the forums to comment this great game in making. :)
So i have been playing Pixel Dungeons for a week now. What a great and addictive game i must say. I was stuck in levels 1-3 because i didnt find enough food to keep me full. Like 50 games, but then tried out something else. I found this better mail armor, i had no str to wear it (still, i did wear it till the end) but i tried out how it goes with a fast weapon like knuckle duster. So i got hungry all the time but i didnt let it bother me, i just keep going when was starved. Only when i needed to regen i eat and rest full. So i made the game till the end with gaming style like this.
Tho i have a suggestion, how about making "hungry" and "starving" give you some debuff like "Hungry -> -1str -1speed" and "Starving -> -2str -2speed" etc.. And if you keep the starving state too long it stacks some more debuff... Untill you eat (or die?). Tho the food was huge problem if you want to keep fed, 1 food ratio max per level found so far.

Waiting for new patch to come out, at the last room in level 11. :)
Keep it going!


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #66 on: February 08, 2013, 05:02:49 AM »
This is by far the best dungeon crawler I played on my mobile so far, thank you so much for developing this!

My questions:
What function does the search button serve?
Are flame potions the only way to destroy barricades?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #67 on: February 08, 2013, 08:10:14 AM »
What function does the search button serve?
Are flame potions the only way to destroy barricades?

The search button allows you to search for hidden doors. It can also reveal traps. Don't overuse it though unless you're stuck, searching makes you hungrier.

The barricades can also be destroyed with firebolt wands.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #68 on: February 08, 2013, 09:44:52 AM »
Hmm, a few more suggestions.

The most simple, you should allow tapping your character to wait 1 turn. I know there's already a button for it, but that's a pretty standard control for mouse-based roguelikes, and I find myself trying to tap my character constantly while playing :P

Second, like many people have said, you need more ways to increase strength. Possibly make it go up by one each level. Some items are pretty much impossible to use, because you will never find so many potions to increase your strength.

Lastly, shopping... Apparently there's a shop keeper that you can find in the dungeon? Never seen them. Maybe make them more common, or add a shop at floor one, by trying to go up the first stairs(as funny as the current result can be :P )


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #69 on: February 08, 2013, 01:02:55 PM »
The most simple, you should allow tapping your character to wait 1 turn. I know there's already a button for it, but that's a pretty standard control for mouse-based roguelikes, and I find myself trying to tap my character constantly while playing :P

I do that too, but I think it's kinda risky because if it's added, for sure you'll end up dying to monsters when you were trying to click them and you accidentally clicked yourself and rested...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #70 on: February 08, 2013, 03:22:49 PM »
I do that too, but I think it's kinda risky because if it's added, for sure you'll end up dying to monsters when you were trying to click them and you accidentally clicked yourself and rested...
In the same way, though, you can click beside the monster and have similar results :P Have done that a few times. Maybe add an options menu to enable/disable some features? (Like maybe enabling trackball or keyboard support, customizing controls to how the player wants it :P)

Also, another random idea, since you already seem to have a target system in, add a button for "Attack" that will automatically attack your target. Would help prevent the earlier problem :P


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #71 on: February 12, 2013, 12:41:09 PM »
Hi guys! Sorry for not answering your messages often enough, these are very busy days for me.
Recently I received many complains about "misclicking issue". I don't know the reason, I haven't touched this part of my code for weeks. Anyway, I'm going to fix it somehow, most likely I'll add a special button similar in its appearance to the blue "loot tag". Tapping this button will make the character attack an adjacent enemy.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2013, 02:15:21 PM »
Sounds more like the game is becoming more popular, and you're getting some whiny people commenting :P With any touch screen based game, you will have misclicks. If anything, people could zoom in further to try preventing it.

And like I said before, an attack button that attacks your last living target would work well for that, maybe have holding it down attack an adjacent one so it can be used if you haven't attacked yet(actually, that would be cool for the quickslot, too :P)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2013, 07:36:14 PM »
I'm playing this :D


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2013, 05:10:01 PM »
Watabou, this game is brilliant. Keep doing what you're doing.

I've been playing for a couple weeks and just beat it last night.  Take that, Tengu!

I've got a couple of things to point out regarding door behavior, which you may already be aware of.  One, that a player can (at least sometimes) see doors opening/closing even after they're left line of sight. Playing zoomed out could give a player too much info about how many monsters are wandering, and where. Two, door closing seems to be triggered by something walking out of the door's square, meaning doors can be left open if something dies in them and nobody else walks through. That's not necessarily a bug, but it might not be expected.

The feature I'd love is a list of potions/scrolls I've already identified. Coming back to a game after a break of a few hours, and not being sure if I've already found that potion of fire is a little nervewracking.

I didn't find misclicking to be much of a problem - it's quite easy to zoom in and tap the right spot. The ability to change the size of the UI buttons might be useful though - they get pretty tiny on a phone in landscape, and I miss them sometimes even in portrait mode. Maybe the ability to toggle UI button size between regular/large in the settings menu?

But again, this game is great. Top-notch work! I eagerly await your next updates  :)