5 people voted for Microgue! I need to find these 5 people. I want to give it a good update after the new year and I would love to know why it got 5 votes.
*raises hand* MicRogue is awesome. I don't get why it only has 5 votes! I try to shout about it whenever the opportunity arises (have you seen the Dogbomb video?)
Regarding only having new roguelikes, well... look at the poll as it stands. The winners would be FTL and Diablo III. Could you imagine the outcry?

A new game award unfairly favours commercial games as these hold back on release till the game is complete and polished. It also discourages developers from the release early, release often philosophy, which is a bad thing. We've had far too many problems in the past with devs holding out on releasing because they wanted to wait till the game was perfect. I'm not sure that any developer with that philosophy has ever actually released his game in the end :/