Author Topic: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike) (now at v0.21)  (Read 26737 times)


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Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike) (now at v0.21)
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:46:33 AM »
Hello everyone!  This is my first post here so allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Codex, and I am a novice programmer who has been learning Lua in conjunction with a game engine called LOVE2D for the past few months.  Seduction Quest is my first official project, and one that I'm taking very seriously.  I've played Dwarf Fortress and Nethack and found both games pretty fun to play.  I needed something to hone my coding skills on and rather than make clones of tetris, asteriods, etc. etc. I wanted to try something different and so this game was born, mostly as a joke at first, but then I saw greater potential in what it could be, and so now I'm trying to achieve it.  The final goal is to have solid gameplay with strong sexual elements involving game mechanics.  Though that won't be the sole focus, I still want others to enjoy the game even without interest in the sexual aspect so I plan on adding a lot of other features as well.   

Some screenshots so far -

There is more 'adult' stuff in the gameplay, but I decided against posting any screenshots of that here...  Anyway, looking to get some feedback on this.  There is a dev blog that contains info about upcoming releases and updates.  Let me know what you all think!   


(edit - Website for the game located here.  There is a download section that will have the most recent version.) 
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 07:14:00 PM by Codex_SQ »


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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike)
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 12:58:31 PM »
Welcome to the Temple of the Roguelike----so it would appear Noxico isn't the only project in this realm of sorts eh?

As per your latest blog, it seems you've got a good handle on what to tackle next in terms of the core gameplay/UI concerns of the game to get it in a good game state---keep at it.   I do believe there's at least one method or so to produce LOVE2D games without the players needing to download the engine, I'd suggest looking into that as another step forward.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike)
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 07:36:26 PM »
So is that a world map or an ultrasound?

Hi-yo! Thanks ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress!


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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike)
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 05:13:59 AM »
Welcome to the Temple of the Roguelike----so it would appear Noxico isn't the only project in this realm of sorts eh?

As per your latest blog, it seems you've got a good handle on what to tackle next in terms of the core gameplay/UI concerns of the game to get it in a good game state---keep at it.   I do believe there's at least one method or so to produce LOVE2D games without the players needing to download the engine, I'd suggest looking into that as another step forward.

Thank you for pointing out Noxico.  I wasn't even aware there was another eroRL until you mentioned it.  I know some people can make .exe's on different platforms which would likely make it easier to download.  (and probably encourage more people to download)  The thing is, LOVE2D is already cross-platform and I don't want to be splitting my focus on making different .exe's for various platforms.  I do know there is a LOVE2D Webplayer, which would require no downloads and people could just play in their browser, but it's still in development.   I may get around to setting it up on the webplayer, and probably the .exe's eventually, but those are in the "last tasks" part of my development checklist.


(edit - I looked into the .exe's and it didn't take long to make)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 02:19:39 AM by Codex_SQ »


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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike) (now at v0.201)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2013, 12:56:43 PM »
So, progress has been going down on this it seems...oldest to most recent:  .EXE now available for the latest instead of needed to mess with LOVE

-Added trees, mountains (for cold areas), and some misc plants, shrubs.  Trees and mountains function like walls, blocking the FoV and preventing movement.  Did a bunch of polish on some things.  (two new animations @ startup)  And I went through and greyed out the buttons that aren't ready yet so there is no confusion.

-The field of view should work correctly now.  (prior version some parts were being shown that shouldn't be and vice-versa)  You now use SHIFT + left or right arrow keys to turn direction OR you can use 1-6 on the numpad to move/turn.  I'm planning on making it so that the direction you are facing will have an impact on combat and sex positions.  =P   Be aware the day/night/moon-phase has an effect on your vision too.  I also stretched out the time change between day & night by x3.  The moon-phases should work correctly now as well.  (8 phases instead of 4, that was a bug)   

-Also big thanks to Vivid Reality from LOVE2D for making some songs for SQ!  His blog here, and soundcloud here as well.  I met him via IRC talking about some random stuff and then the subject of current projects came up, and I told him what I was working on.  To my surprise he offered to make some music for the game if needed, so I took him up on his offer.  Again, I can't say how much I appreciate him for doing it.  :)

-Oh, and a few other things.  Potion of Vision has been nerfed.  Only gives a bonus to forward vision.  Potion of Hidden Vision gives a bonus to behind you.  (dropped by a certain monster girl) Let's see, what else?  I'm aware there is a text bug when you try to check the status of certain parts of your body.  And another bug where after you view someone that the text goes out of bounds once it reaches the top of the text box.  I had a whole lot of other bugs pop up while making this update that I managed to squash.  (average time it takes me to fix a bug is 5-10 mins if I'm lucky and it's easy to spot/fix, hard to find bugs a few hours usually)  Those two bugs I will try to fix next update.  Before I get to that though, did I mention all NPC's now have randomly generated names?  It's done based on breaking up syllables in a data set containing names and then rearranging them.  I thought it was befitting to give plant NPC's native american names, Valkyries viking names, and gothic names for everything else.  More names and variation to be added later.


    [P]ickup - Now need to scroll over the item(s) and press num to pick up.
    nteract - No longer activates held items.  See additions below.
    Cursor when selecting something now can only scroll over visible areas.
    Removed items activation due to recode of item system. (temporary)


    [W]ait - Self explanatory and long overdue.
    [C]raft - New crafting system!  Uses tools, materials, and methods to create a new item.  Once item is crafted it will drop at the players/NPC's feet.
    nteract - Now used to scavenge the terrain for materials.  Press twice to use, and select a terrain that isn't a period, the number four, or an apostrophe. 
    Terrain - Now will become barren of resources after being scavenged too much.
    [E]equipment - Used to display current inventory.  Will be used in next version to activate and equip items.
    Recipes - Utilized by the crafting system to create objects.  Only two recipes available right now, but more will be added soon!  (hint - you spawn with the materials to craft both recipes)
    Tools - Only one to pick from at the moment - "hands", but the craft system is going to allow for more tools to be added easily.

[Known Bugs]

     Event text bug that wraps text strangely and overlaps other text.
    Items displaying weirdly when listed for pickup/view/equipment/crafting.
    Scavenging supplies from terrain, will become barren even if no items are scavenged.
    Need GUI button after pressing [A]ttack or nteract to show what to do next.
    Game crashes when player is near edge of map due to NPC movement when one is in the vicinity.


    Shortcut to pick up stacks of items.
    Display weight, potency, properties of items in the [E]quipment menu.
    More recipes, tools, methods.
    More items to scavenge from terrain.
    Add a few craft recipes involving sex items.
    Enable item use for next version.


    Fixed the function to check a recipe for an item and reorganized the data a bit.  Should be a lot less work to add recipes for items now.
    [M]agic - Can no longer be selected as an option from the game menu.  (it was accessible but did nothing, won't be a while before this gets implemented)
    Now offering executable file support for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  Instead of having to fiddle around with installing love, just run the Seduction Quest.exe.
    NPC now drop herbs instead of potions.


    Rope - Pending...
    [D]rop - You can now drop items from your inventory.
    Item menu - Still a work-in-progress.
    Potions - Can be made from herbs and other items. 
    Potions currently have 7 properties - vitality, reason, health, pleasure, mobility, power, and addiction.  (the last two properties do not result in any effects just yet)
    Reason ~ Positive effect - will result in increased concentration (bonus to hit %) | Negative effect - will result in delirium, causing the player to stall actions or move uncontrollably 
    Health ~ Positive effect - heal damage | Negative effect - inflict damage
    Pleasure ~ Positive effect - inflict arousal damage | Negative effect - heal arousal damage
    Mobility ~ Positive effect - increased movement speed | Negative effect - paralysis
    Vitality ~ Positive effect - increase Field of View | Negative effect - decrease Field of View
    Effects can stack on one another.  (ie. a single potion can have +Pleasure, -Health, -Reason or some type of combo)
    Bell_Curve formula is used when you scavenge from terrain, to determine weight, and quality of properties.  (good properties/qualities are rare)
    Smell - You can now smell a potion to determine it's properties.  Health is lime, Vitality is orange, Reason is yellow, Power is red, Pleasure is pink, Mobility is blue.  For now there are only two text flavors for smell and it's based on whether the property is good or bad.  (hint hint - descriptions such as, bitter, feminine, == negative effects)
    Potions are at a capped limit.
    Potions names are not randomized... there is a pattern.  The name is determined by three things: How many properties are there in a potion?  What is the potency of the strongest property?  Is potency of the second strongest property in the same range as the first?  Thus name parts such as "unstable", "murky", imply the potion has many different properties.  While if you get a solid name, "healing", "strength" then that property is more potent than the others (if any), and names such as "extreme", "minor", "normal" labels the strength of the potency.  Basically like this - ("Potion of Extreme Healing will be healing a good chunk of health, while a "Murky Potion of Minor Healing" will be healing a small bit of health with other sideffects.)
    Later on with the way potions are coded, other items will be able to include potion effects, so you can drug/poison food, weapons, and other objects. 


    Book effects.  After thinking about this for a while, I'm disabling this until the magic system is ready.
    Weapons - Combat system still needs a lot of tweaking.


    Event text that wrapped text strangely and overlapped other text is now fixed.  (It was two bugs combined into one which made it difficult to pinpoint)
    Items will now display correctly for crafting/pickup/view/equipment once the item threshold has been reached and will be printed on the next page(s).
    Crafting text bug, instead of "a [item]", it is now "your [item]".
    The selection/deselection of items during crafting wasn't working correctly under certain circumstances, now fixed.
    Another bug involving the crafting system, where the first item in inventory was selected even when you picked a different item is squashed.
    Crafting now removes the items from inventory on successful recipe completion.
    After exiting to the main menu from new game, the sections for "options" and "how to play" display correctly now.

    Fixed a crashing bug when you use [D]rop
    Added GUI stuff to [A]ttack
    Added GUI stuff to nteract
    Added README.txt to DL folder
    Added VERSION.txt to DL folder
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike) (now at v0.21)
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2015, 06:27:28 AM »
What happened to this thread?
Its well over 2 years since an update to this. What happened?
When I saw this, I was pretty happy to see something like this being made.  ;D
Did this get moved, or no longer active?


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Re: Seduction Quest (ages 18+ Hentai Roguelike) (now at v0.21)
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2015, 12:01:08 PM »
Looks like the dev went quiet back at the end of 2013 as per the dev blog at the top.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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