Hey all,
So I'm in the planning stages of my next project, and I'd like to do it as an applet (I'm a Java programmer). My reasoning is that it would make updating very easy, and I'd be able to make it accessible to mobile devices while still allowing keyboard input (I'm thinking a button bar on the side; phones are TERRIBLE interfaces for games).
However, I'd like to be able to suspend the game. In QuickHack (
http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php/QuickHack), I saved high scores and save files by using text files with a checksum, which was a clean, simple way for me to do things. I'd like to use cookies to do the same.
Sadly, I've had some trouble finding a decent rundown on how to read and write cookies. Maybe I just missed a tutorial on the Oracle site. If any one has any tips, links to tutorials, etc, I'd greatly appreciate it!